20. Free of her

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Mirabelle's POV

“Alright, it's fine.” My dad raised his arms up in mock surrender, and we all laughed. Eugene wasn't laughing much, though.

Well, that should teach him not to lie.

Like what even came over him that he all of a sudden wanted to move in with me? Where did he even stay? What if he even stayed with Lynelle?

What the hell was I doing?

Dinner was over, and as usual, I had to see him off. I gladly obliged because I was bristling in frustration.

I kept my cool till we went outside the house, outside the gate.. just outside.

“Eugene..” I started off calm. “ Wh-what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing, all this is your fault anyway.” He shrugged.

“My fault? Are you listening to yourself?!”

“I've been trying, okay? Doing all I can to get you out of my life and still you don't want to disappear. What do you want me to do?”

“What are you even talking about? Why are you even trying to get rid of me? What's wrong?”  I took out the ribbon from my hair, and I took a deep breath. He went silent for a bit and just stared at me.

“You know what? Nevermind.” He turned to leave, I gripped his arm.

“Mirabelle.” He growled.

“Eugene.” I retorted.

“I can't tell you, especially now.”

“Why?” I asked softly.

“Because it fucking hurts.” He gave me a pained look and I inhaled.

“Okay fine…but then do tell me..are you sure there's nothing between you and Lynelle?”

“What's your deal with her? We're just friends.” He removed his arm from my grip. “I thought I told you that we're not dating.”

“You don't kiss your friend and ask her out..unless.” I swallowed, refusing to accept anything.

“I didn't ask her out.”

“But you did kiss her!”

“Yes I fucking kissed her alright? But I had someone else in mind, okay?!” He retorted and I flinched.

“Who..who..” I tried to ask but I already knew.

“Fuck off.” He grumbled and opened his car to sit in and he drove away in obvious anger.

I stood where I was in confusion l, worry and a little bit of …satisfaction?

Maybe the satisfaction that he was just friends with Lynelle.

But wait…did it mean Lynelle got the wrong message or she was plainly lying?


Elvin-Eugene's POV

“It's confirmed, you are losing your mind..like what came over you? And you said that? In front of her parents?!”

As you guessed, I was telling Lynelle what happened and I was getting scolded.

“But it's all part of my plan.” I shrugged

“I thought I told you to dissolve that thing.” She groaned. “Eugene what's the point of all this? What are you driving at?”

I was silent for a bit.

“Do you like her?” I still didn't respond. “Eugene, silence means consent..”

“I don't know, okay? I don't understand why I'm refusing to let go and someway somehow, I don't want to stop…maybe it's plain revenge. “

She sighed and sat next to me. I shifted away to create some distance because I didn't want to upset her again.

Lynelle was actually very pretty..but the way my heart yearned for something or someone else made it difficult for me to see her anywhere beyond friendship.

Besides I didn't think she could feel the same either. Maybe at times she'd want attention or so..but I understood it was something of a girl's nature.

“You're making a mistake.”

“I know.” I murmured.

“Okay…you know I don't actually get you…you're making a mistake and you know it..so what's stopping you from reversing it?”

“Well first of all, there was gonna be a lot of drama, considering the fact that her parents are involved…also the idea of reversal was just not thrilling for me.

“Reversal would just cause chaos.”

“So? You'll be free of her.”

Free? Would keeping my distance make me free of her?

Maybe I was into her

Hell no

I was!


“It's complicated Lynelle, it really is.” I said and she gave me a sad look and I remembered something. “Hey you were supposed to tell me something.”

“I was? When?” Her facial expression changed.

“Oh come on don't play dumb…the day I showed you my apartment…”

“Oh about that….shoot I forgot.” She grinned sheepishly.

“Really?”I deadpanned.

“Oh I'm sure it wasn't important I'm sure.” She stated.


“So when is she moving in?”

“Uh…I've not discussed that yet..” I trailed. “I don't wanna think about it now.”

“Oh I see…lemme ask you this yeah..”


“Remember when you uh..kissed me?”

“Um..yeah what about it?” I gulped and Mirabelle's face flashed in my mind. Then it drifted to the dinner..how he look so gorgeous and how tender her lap was.

“What were you thinking?” She asked and I blinked shaking my head.

“What?” I rose my brows.

“Why did you kiss me?”

“Lynelle I was drunk.” I looked aside.

“And you felt like kissing me or what?”  She glared at me.

“Look let me be honest here.. I was dancing with her at the reception, and I almost kissed her, so I thought you were her.. I dunno its fucked up.” I groaned.

“Sure.” She shrugged and I wondered why she even asked that.

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