35. So Mine!

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Mirabelle's POV

I've never felt so giddy in my life this much before. Eugene's confession just kept ringing in my mind over and over again.

I'm in love with you

Like damn….maybe I did think he was attracted to me but in love? That was a whole new level.

“Why are you smiling?” He frowned, and my brows rose on realisation.

“Oh nothing…won't you eat your fettuccine? Or should I-”

“Help me eat it? Yes.”

“I have to do something else.” I turned to go, but he held my wrist.

“Please?” He gave me an adorable look, and I resisted an “aww.”

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes, taking off the food cover. We went to the dinette and sat next to each other as I spoon-fed him.

I blushed, smiling when he grinned briefly and took one of my hands into his.

“So…what now?”

“As in?” He looked at me, and I looked aside.

“Like…what are we now?” I twirled the fettuccine around the fork.

“What do you want us to be? He placed a hand on my thigh and leaned in. My heart skipped a beat, but I didn't move his hand.

What did I want us to be? Lovers? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Husband and wife? Because we couldn't be just friends!

“I don't know.” I bit my lip as he leaned into my ear.

“Would you be my girlfriend if I asked?” He drew circles in my thigh.

“Why don't you ask to find it?” I managed to ask. I leaned my head back a little and brought my face closer to his. He looked between my lips and eyes.

He was about to speak when his phone rang. He took it out, and I saw Lynelle's name flash across the screen. To my satisfaction, he declined the call and placed the phone on the table and turned to me.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, and I smiled through my pursed lips.

“On one condition.” He frowned slightly but still seemed eager to hear. “If you tell Lynelle that you don't feel the same about her…then I will be your girlfriend.”

He removed his hand and sat back in his chair.

“She'll be really hurt.” He muttered.

“So? She still has to know. So that you won't abandon me most of the time because of her.”

“But Mira-”

“Eugene, no woman is happy to be with a guy who spends most of his time with another woman. I get it. She's your best friend, but let her understand that there's a limit to everything, and you guys can't continue to be spending much time with each other like you used to.

“But now she's vulnerable and-”

“She's gonna kiss you again, misconstruing your care as something beyond friendship. “

I know I was being a little manipulative, but I didn't wanna let Eugene just slip out of my hands.

“What about our friendship?” He asked. I gathered some courage and seated myself on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You can still be friends.. I don't have an issue…but Eugene, you have to let her know how you truly feel…you'll actually hurt her more with your silence.”

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