10. Movie night

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"Don't tell me that you are still in bed?" My mother's voice fills my room while I am trying hard not to yawn

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"Don't tell me that you are still in bed?" My mother's voice fills my room while I am trying hard not to yawn. I might have watched too many marvel movies with Landon last night making me get to bed way too late. "You always told me not to lie, mom."

She sighs while I make myself more comfortable in my bed. I am proud of myself that I didn't fall asleep on the couch again. Because I am sure that Landon is sleeping on the couch like he always does.

"Do you have a hangover? I can come over to help you." My mother loves me way too much because if I would say yes, she would jump right into her car. I know that I can always call my mother whenever I feel down. She might have a busy life but she always made sure to let us know that she is there for us even if she isn't around that much.

"I didn't go out last night. I was watching movies." I couldn't even say the rest of my sentence because my little sister's face fills my screen now. "You had a date last night? Why didn't you tell me that? I thought we agreed to keep each other updated on our love life."

My mother starts to laugh when she sees my shocked face. It is way too early to talk about my sister's love life. No scratch that, it is always too early to talk about my sister and how she is starting to go out on dates. I really want to punch any person who hurts her and she didn't even have her first kiss yet.

"If you would have let me say the rest of my sentence, you would have heard that I was watching movies with Landon." Her cheeks start to run red when I mention Landon. I am quite sure that she has a crush on him and he is aware of it too. She doesn't really hide the fact she finds him hot because she constantly looks at him whenever he joins my weekly call with my family.

He is practically a second son from my mother because he goes over to her whenever he needs advice. I caught him calling my mother last week because he didn't know how to do his own laundry. I didn't say anything because I know that his family is a very sensitive topic for him.

"Is Landon around?" My mother pinches my sister's arm. "We already talked about this, Flora. You are too young to crush on a guy who is the same age as your brother. You are fourteen so go for guys or girls who are close to your age."

"I know but it doesn't change the fact that I rather see Landon's face than Mason." I place my hand on top of my chest pretending to be hurt. Flora loves to tease me by saying she doesn't care about me but I know better. She always texts me random facts throughout my day that reminded her of me.

It can be about something she saw during one of her many shows. Or something she read in the many books that she borrows from the library. I don't say it out loud but I always look forward to her messages because they always say something really weird and random. Flora is way smarter than I am and she is seven years younger.

Her brain is filled with random facts so I am sure that one day she is going to get in Harvard or something. She has a big plan of what she wants to do and it involves earning a lot of money so she can help our mother. She wants her to be more home and that is why she has been babysitting to earn some money.

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