11. Mug painting

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"What is that supposed to be?" Davina glares at Maya for the tenth time this night

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"What is that supposed to be?" Davina glares at Maya for the tenth time this night. I gave up correcting them a long time ago because it is exhausting to keep them from fighting. The only time they haven't fought together is when I came home from practice earlier and I started to break down.

There has been a lot of weight on my shoulder regarding the team and it doesn't make it easier than the girls are not fully loving it anymore. Most of them can't handle studying and playing a professional sport and I can't blame them. It is not that we are getting anything out of it than just working our asses off for nothing.

I have been talking with the coach of the guys' team to help us with a scout and she said she will see what she can do. She doesn't want to get behind the back of the board of directors which I get. It is her first year here so she shouldn't be doing stuff like helping me when she doesn't want to lose her job.

But I do hope for a miracle or something.

"If you would pay attention then you would know it is a heart." Maya looks at me trying to make me tell Davina that it is far from a heart. I have known her for quite a while and Davina sucks at every single thing that involves drawing or painting. She has zero drawing skills in her body. "Stop looking at each other and just compliment my work."

"It would be good practice for when my children give me something ugly." Maya already bends her head a little bit because ten seconds afterward a pillow is thrown at her head. She already knows what Davina is going to do. "Now you are being dramatic. It is not as bad as a three years old drawing. I am better than that. Right, Brynn?"

It is hard to lie when I don't even see something decent in her drawing. That mug is going to be the weirdest mug she has ever painted and she has a whole drawer of them. "Even my best friend hates my drawing, ladies and gentlemen."

"I don't hate it. I just don't know what it is because it for sure isn't a heart." She turns Maya's cup around and already glares at her. Maya is a fashion designer so she does know a thing about drawing. Which Davina most of the time forgets when we are doing our weekly painting nights.

"I need something stronger than wine if I don't want to kill any of you." She gets up from the ground and takes her cup with her. She knows damn well if she would keep it here that Maya would take a picture and show her followers how amazing Davina can draw.

Since Maya joined our group more people know about us because Maya loves her Instagram. Every single thing that she does and is in her words aesthetically pleasing she posts. And she loves to tease Davina and me by sharing our weird moments online that now a lot of people are aware of.

Last week, some girl came over to Davina and asked her if she would like to join the dance team because she saw the video of her dancing on her coffee table. I have never seen Davina run so fast for something else than food because I was even out of breath when she found Maya in her classroom.

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