01| Nyx

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WHISTLING THE TUNE to the song my mother used to sing to me when I was younger I fix my stance and peek through the little hole of my sniper letting shots fly through the air and watch as 6 bodies drop dead onto the ground

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WHISTLING THE TUNE to the song my mother used to sing to me when I was younger I fix my stance and peek through the little hole of my sniper letting shots fly through the air and watch as 6 bodies drop dead onto the ground.

I reload and peek through again smiling when I see all ground team dead. I drop my weapon onto the ground and turn, looking down to see one of the dead guard's eyes open and staring at me with wide eyes. I smile blowing a little kiss before fast walking towards the gate of the mansion.

Using my upper body strength I push up and swing my legs over the gate dropping down with a little thud and dust my hands off as if anything were actually there. I pull a dagger out of the strap that sits on my upper thigh, which holds 2 more other daggers and a gun, while I quietly walk towards the front entrance of the beautiful mansion.

A figure tries to rush past me as discretely as possible which unfortunately fails as my instinct is to react immediately kicks in, causing my body to fly into contact with the other. I jerk towards the unknown poor and unfortunate soul, stabbing them in their neck with my knife. A groan escapes their lips before they choke on their own blood and I pull their mask up scoffing when I see one of Cortez's assassins'.

"For an assassin you sure suck at blending in with the dark," I scoff my thick British accent coming out with each word I say. "Neither are you," he says, his voice coming out low as he's slowly losing his ability to talk.

"Yet I still managed to kill several of your little friends before they could even shout out for help," I pout standing up. He begins to let out series of wet and gurgling coughs, blood splattering onto my face in little droplets before his body suddenly stops moving. Although I can visually see myself and know for a fact that I did kill the man I check for a pulse, satisfied when none is felt through my fingertips.

As I reach the large black double doors of Cortez's undeniably beautiful home I pull out a bobby pin that I had earlier shoved into my curls before I came and use it to open the door, happy to hear a little click as I shove it into the keyhole and turn it.

The door shuts with a little bang and I sigh, entering the home and walking towards the stairs , making sure to go up while cautiously watching my surroundings for any more idiots who decide they want to try and kill me.

Reaching the second floor I take a few turns here and there as I walk through the long hallway, almost mesmerized by how an evil and terrible mans house can hold such beauty with art and decorations. If I hadn't double checked my files and gone through every single detail for this mission over and over again, I would've thought that my information had been mistaken.

As I'm about to turn a corner I see a guard turning to walk towards me. I pull back and lean against the wall waiting several seconds for him while I hold a tight grip on my weapon.

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