61. - Possessive

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Went from 200-300k within a month. Nah this is all too much 😭. Thank you guys all so much. I appreciate all the love, encouraging and honest comments it means a lot. They all make me smile, laugh, and I'm not going to lie sometimes leave me a little offended but also really help me with my writing so that I can make my book tolerable.
I can't thank y'all enough, honestly you all deserve a tiresome amount of kisses and hugs.
Mwah, mwah, mwah!
Enjoy the chapter!!

        ESTELLA'S SCREAMS FILL THE KITCHEN, my eyes amused and entertained to an unbearable extent watching as Antonio and Matteo shove random toys in front of her face in order to calm her down

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        ESTELLA'S SCREAMS FILL THE KITCHEN, my eyes amused and entertained to an unbearable extent watching as Antonio and Matteo shove random toys in front of her face in order to calm her down.

They suck at this.

"Look at this ugly-looking elephant. Smile for 'em Stella," Matteo coos in a mini high-pitched voice.

Antonio fumbles through her large bright blue duffle bag, looking for anymore toys that could help, only to slump in annoyance when he doesn't see anything.

"You guys look like crap," I mutter, popping another strawberry into my mouth.

I mean they really do. Bags under their eyes, disheveled hair. They haven't done a single ounce of work these last 3 days it's fucking crazy.

They're either taking care of Estella or sleeping through the afternoon.

"Shut up," they both grumble at the same time.

The reason as to why I'm not so keen on helping is because I'm the one who does afternoon and night duties. Meaning I have to bathe her before bed time, change her, feed her, wake up whenever she wakes up and cries. You get the idea.

But the main reason is because this is so entertaining. Anyways, compared to them I can't say anything either. I look like complete shit too.

"Yeah I'm going to get ready now, I need to be at Angelica's studio by 3pm and Justina and Angelo should be here soon. Make sure all her stuff are packed and ready," I mutter looking at the clock on my phone to see that it's 1:58 pm.

They don't even bother with a proper reply but nod and shoo me off.



Grabbing my duffle bag from the back I close the door, locking my car and raise my sunglasses to get a better look at the large building.

Multiple vehicles are packed outside, most of them being vans.

I pull my phone out from the back pocket of my jeans and send a short text to Angelica that I'm here, which she instantly replies by telling me to come to the entrance.

Guards are waiting inside for me and ask for my identity before leading me through some beautifully decorated hallways and to a large room with multiple camera's, machines, models, make-up artists and more.

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