Ambivalence Chapter 21

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AMBIVALENCE : a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings towards someone

Author's pov

" We're divorced. " Jungkook answered.

Jimin didn't know what to say, he just sighed. But Taehee couldn't remotely comprehend those words. However a sarcastic smile laced over her lips, tilting her head and musing herself while smirking lightly

" One more relationship didn't last long . "

" Why do people have kids when they know that their relationship is toxic? " She said it aloud on purpose and caught Jimin and Jungkook attention.

Jungkook bit his inner cheek and looked up at Taehee. He didn't like her remark at all. He knew somewhere she was correct but at the same time she doesn't know what actually happened with him in the past few years. Besides he can't even defend himself because he has also done wrong with her . So he suppressed his anger, closed his eyes and took a long sigh.

Suddenly Jimin phone started ringing, interrupting them from their thoughts. He picked up the call , it was from the hospital.

" Jimin it's 11 PM , where are you ? Dude I've already done your shift last night I can't do it again ."

" I'll be there in half an hour , an emergency came . " Jimin answered and cut the call.

" Go bring the medicine that he usually takes when he has a fever " Jimin said to Jungkook. Jungkook nodded and left.

Jimin walked towards Taehee and Junghoon, towering them and remarking.

" When I'll call you, better be at your home . Leave right away after his fever lowers down. Don't fucking stay here too long. "

Jungkook was coming with the syrup in his hand , he heard the last line , he didn't like Jimin's tone .

Jimin felt Jungkook presence so he smiled next second as if he wasn't literally warning Taehee earlier. He caressed her cheek with his hand.

" Bye " He said and Taehee looked down, bit her lip anxiously and hummed. Jungkook coughed and interrupted them.

" Here's the syrup that the doctor prescribed him ."

" Bring him to the hospital tomorrow . For now Taehee will check him . I've to leave. " Jimin said picking up the stethoscope. He was leaving, Jungkook stopped him.

" Thank You Doctor for saving my son. I'm sorry for bothering you and Ta... Dr Taehee at this hour. " Jungkook said genuinely .

" It's okay . He'll be fine. " Jimin given a tight lipped smile and left. He isn't really fond of Jungkook but his job as a doctor comes above everything. Jimin glanced at Taehee , she also looked back. She understood by his look what he meant , he was reminding her what he said earlier. Jungkook couldn't see Jimin as he was behind him.

Now it was Taehee, Junghoon and Jungkook only . There was an awkward silence. Jimin was warning Taehee to not stay too long, but Taehee also didn't want to stay alone with Jungkook. It's difficult for her because of their past.

" Uh ah....Here's the syrup " Jungkook said handing it to Taehee. She took it without making eye contact. She read the name and details . She was going to say something but she saw his soft gaze up to his son .

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