Petrichor Chapter : 4

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PETRICHOR : the scent of rain on dry earth

Authors pov

" Taehee ! open the door " . Taehee tried to pull away from Jimin but Jimin hugged her tighly and said

" Tell her to come later "

" Jimin it could be an emergency . " Taehee said softly. Jimin sighed and pulled away. Taehee stood up and opened the door.

" What were you doing that it took you so long to open the door ? " Mina questioned him and frowned.

Taehee just ignored her remark and asked " Why are you here ? Is there any emergency?"

Mina's eyes went on Jimin and she went closer to him " Jimin you're here and I have been calling you since morning. Why aren't you picking up my calls? I was worried. " She said, she was actually worried.

Jimin ignored her and began using his phone . Taehee sighed and felt bad for Mina . Mina likes Jimin but Jimin always ignores her . And he is the reason why she doesn't like Taehee, because he always gives his attention to her.

" Ok forget about it . Jimin shall we go on a date tonight . We'll go to your favorite club. We're good now right? " Mina said softly . Jimin ignored her again.

" Jimin why are you ignoring me? We were fine yesterday . " Mina said looking at Jimin with hope.

" There's no we between you and me. Now fuck off don't irritate me " Jimin said rudely. A tear left Mina's eye.

" Jimin I gave my body to you yesterday. And you're ignoring me as if I'm trash . You like me that's why you did it with me. Why are you treating me like nothing happened yesterday !?" Mina said desperately feeling restless.

Taehee looked at Jimin in disbelief, she know Jimin hook up and sex with girls but she didn't know that he fool them to have sex with them. Before Taehee could assume more and come to a conclusion , Jimin said.

" You were grinding your ass on me in the club, you provoked me . I didn't force you, and I asked you , if you're sure or not and you said that you are . I never said that I like You. You willingly submitted yourself to me"

Taehee sighed with relief but feeling more bad for Mina, Mina was crying.

" But Jimin you know that I like you , then..Why Did You Have Sex With Me? " Mina retorted back, tears were falling down from her eyes.

" Do I look like I give a fuck about your feelings!! I needed someone to fuck yesterday so I fucked you because you were giving me hints. If it wasn't you then it was someone else. " Jimin said casually.

" JIMIN it's enough , stop it now." Taehee yelled at him furiously. Jimin ignored her and said again.

" And I sleep with a lot of girls like you every month don't think too special of yourself ....."

Mina slapped Jimin . Taehee eyes widened. Jimin clenched his fist and jaw.

" Playing with other feelings and cheating is in the fucking blood of Parks right Jimin!?? " Mina said in a venomous tone, tears were still falling from her eyes.

Taehee looked at her in frustration and said inside her head "Mina you fucking hit his nerve stop provoking him Mina before he loose his temper completely. He is already pissed because of what happened earlier between him and I "

Jimin eyes were red in anger and he bit his inner cheek. Taehee came closer to him, she was afraid for Mina.

" Mina leave. " Taehee pleaded to Mina . She knew if Jimin got angry it wouldn't be easy to calm him.

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