Manipulation Chapter : 5

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MANIPULATION : skillful handling, controlling or using of something or someone.

Author's pov

Sehun and Taehee were just a few meters away from Taehee's apartment building her eyes went on a figure standing outside of the building in front of a car.

Her eyes widened when she realized it was Jimin. She suddenly yelled " Sehun, stop the car right here ."

" It's ok Taehee we're right here " Sehun stopped the car in front of the building. He opened the door and came outside and opened the door for her.

" Sehun you didn't have to, you can leave now " Taehee said in a hurry, rushing out of the car ..She was moving fastly and her heels twisted and strap opened off her heel but Sehun held her before she fell down .

" Be careful Taehee why are you in a hurry? " Sehun said. He kneeled down and fixed the strap of her heel.

Jimin was boring eyes into them . Taehee eyes went on Jimin ,she was more afraid as he wasn't saying anything just watching them quietly .

" Done ....why do you girls even wear these they're so uncomfortable? "Sehun said with a chuckle. Taehee smiled awkwardly.

" You should go now Sehun. I'll be fine. " Taehee said nervously.

" Ok ok I'm leaving miss gorgeous. Thank you for going on a date with me Taehee. I hope you didn't get bored. " Sehun said with a smile rubbing the back of his head.

" No I didn't " Taehee replied.

" So...... Can we meet again? Should I wait for your call or not? " Sehun asked with hope.

Taehee gulped and said " Let's see " . The smile disappeared from his face when she said that. He just nodded . Taehee knew she hurt Sehun with her answer but she was helpless .

" Bye Taehee. Thanks again. I hope I'll get a call " Sehun said softly and sat in his car. He glanced at Taehee one last time then left.

Taehee immediately turned around and looked at Jimin , she went closer to him and said timidly " Jimin I can explain " Before she could say anything , Jimin said.

" It's ok Miss Kim Taehee you don't have to explain to me, I'm no one...... "Jimin said with a smile.

" And here are the keys of your apartment ma'am . You should take them back, your future boyfriend won't like it if he would see that you've given separate keys to a stranger like me. " Jimin said sarcastically but a smile was still there. He was trying to put keys in Taehee hands and she closed her fist tightly.

" Jimin please I'm sorry I can explain " Taehee said desperately. Jimin put the keys in her bag.

" I told you that you don't have to explain to me. I'm just a stranger , we explain to someone who is close to us. But I'm just an outsider so it's ok ." Jimin said again. Tears left from Taehee eyes.

" Jimin please I'm sorry "

" Here is a new phone. I'm sorry for breaking your phone Ma'am. I should leave now you must be tired ......I won't bother you anymore . You'll not see my face anymore." Jimin said, Taehee shaked her face and cried and Jimin put down the bag.

Jimin took out his car keys from his pocket. Taehee hugged him from behind.

" Jimin I'm sorry please listen to me once . Yell at me but please don't behave like this with me . Please Jimin "

WOMAN TAEHYUNG FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora