Samjhawaan Chapter : 34 *

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I recommend you guys, from now on read every chapter. Read this chapter fully and you'll notice the changes .

Author's pov

Jimin woke up , he groaned . He rubbed his eyes but felt weight on himself . He finally opened his eyes and found Taehee hugging him like a koala . A small smile crept over his lips but soon it faded away when he remembered all the incidents .

He was fully awake by now , he looked at the clock and it was nearly half past 8. He gazed at the ceiling thinking about everything. He looked at her, she was looking so tired. She was in deep sleep. He remembered how she couldn't stop crying and sniffing in his embrace last night.

He was thinking about their college days when he was always careful with his words and actions around her because he knew she was too delicate.

And now he is the reason for her misery. He closed his eyes in regression. He again glanced at her. He caressed her face softly and she squirmed in sleep to his touch . Minutes passed he kept looking , a tear left from his eyes because he had to leave but this time permanently.

" Tell me how I should leave you . You yourself said that you've become my habit ..... And I can't be with you and if I left you'll be with someone else ..... "

" And thinking about it boils my blood. You can't leave.... "

He clenched his jaw in anger but suddenly realized he was behaving the same again. He shook his head. He looked at Taehee one last time and carefully removed her arms .She whined because of the loss of warmth, he put the big pillow in between her arms .

And went to washroom, he washed his face with cold water and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

" When did I become this cruel ? I can't stay here I've to leave. I can't let her suffer more. "

He came out of the washroom , wore his sweater, coat and shoes in hurry. He picked up his car keys from table. He was going to open the main gate but he stopped and looked back .

" If I left now I can't see her again. And if I went inside to see her then I won't be able to leave ."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He glanced back at everything , all the memories flashed in his mind at once and a tear left from his eye . He shook his head , clenched his fist and finally unlocked the door and left .

Taehee heard a loud thud sound of closing door. She squirmed , she touched the bed and felt nothing. A single tear escaped from the corner of her eyes. She clutched sheets. And curled into a ball.

It was the end of their story. Two friends who were trying to search for comfort in each other but one fell in love and the other was too betrayed to fall in love again . One was longing for love and one was afraid of love .

It's not necessary if you have a really great friendship with someone so a relationship will also be great with that same person. And in their case things were worst.

Jimin manipulated and hurted her so many times. But still why did she fall for him ?

Because she had hope. She had only him. He was good with her before but changed when she started looking more like a woman day by day.

As Jimin was searching for Chaeyoung in her , Taehee was also behaving like her because she was always around them when Jimin and Chaeyoung were together.

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