{Chapter 46}

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Arayna's Pov

"No matter how much hints you guys gave me... I'm still clueless about the second task." Cedric stated deadpanned. 

Me, Karina and Cedric are currently in the Library discussing the second task. And like Cedric stated, we gave him so many hints, that could've actually get his answers now but he still doesn't get it.

I roll my eyes but bit back an amused smile seeing Karina looking at Cedric in frustration and in disbelief. While Cedric just looked bored and clueless.

Karina continued looking at him with bewilderment then release an exhausted sigh and mutter under her breathe, "Why oh why does our chosen champion have to be dumb."

Even if she muttered that under her breathe, Cedric unfortunately still heard it and release and offensive squawk.

I look around us seeing no one in the Library, well of course no one would be here during this time around, except Hermione but she's with Harry, Ron and Lyra at Hagrid's Hut.

I look around us seeing no one in the Library, well of course no one would be here during this time around, except Hermione but she's with Harry, Ron and Lyra at Hagrid's Hut

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I look back at Cedric with hopeless eyes and said, "This is the last hint, which I hope you would get it right."

Cedric look at me with a promising eyes and nodded rapidly.

"You got the Golden Egg from a Mother Dragon. A dragon breathes fire. What is the opposite of fire?" I ask while leaning back on a table, looking at him with a raise brow.

Cedric perks up now probably getting the hint and said with uncertainty, "Water?"

Karina exclaimed loudly with relief evident on her face, "Hallelujah! Now you get it!"

I chuckle at the offensive look on Cedric's face whilst Karina continued muttering how relieve she is.

I then instruct Cedric, "Go to the Prefects' Bathroom and bring the Egg with you. After you find out what it is, you come back here in the Library. We'll be waiting for you here."

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