Caught Off Guard

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The plan is afoot. I think a part of me knew that I had to tell Kilian about my intentions simply so that I would go through with them. It's easy to see that Wren is gorgeous but she is also so smart and creative. She's kind to everyone around her, there is nothing about her that I don't like.

One day at lunch last month sunlight was lighting up her red hair just right and I suddenly realized that she is perfect. I've dated around but a lot of the girls in school are fake. They really only care about status and social standing, but Wren doesn't care about any of that. She only cares about her friends and family, she'd do anything for any one of us. I feel lucky to be part of her tribe and now I can't stop thinking about what it might be like to just kiss her.

I think we all know that if Kilian wanted to go for Wren she'd say yes in a heartbeat. It seems like maybe they're written in the stars. That's why I tried to give him a chance to tell me to back off but he didn't. Instead, he said okay, so now there is no reason not to just ask her.

I know that I said I didn't know what I was going to do, or how I was going to ask her, but I have already planned this out. I'm going to make sure that I buy her a Sno Ball. I know it doesn't sound like a big gesture, but the girl loves her Sno Balls, every time she has one she smiles like she just won the lottery. Personally, I don't get it because I don't like coconut but maybe it's because they are pink?

When we get to the game I'll go with the boys to get snacks and buy her one, just in case. I feel like it's better to have it ready in case the moment arises. Am I nervous? Hell yeah! If I thought talking to Kilian was hard, imagine what it will be like if she turns me down. I told Kilian I wouldn't make a big scene but she deserves to be asked nicely, and a snack cake is hardly a super romantic gesture. I just assume that when the time comes, I'll just know and ask her.

I wonder how long I'm going to be carrying around Sno Balls with me everywhere I go.


The ride to school is fun. I can tell that Quin loves being with us, when I turn the music up and roll the windows down her shoulder-length hair starts to blow around. The smile on her face warms my heart, I've never loved anyone the way I love my Quinny. It makes me so happy just to keep her happy.

By the time we get to school, everyone seems loose and ready for a fun night. The game hasn't started yet, so the boys head to the concession stand and buy arms full of snacks. I don't understand how they can eat so much and still be in shape but they all are.

Quin and I find some seats near the middle and spread out to save room for the guys. I can hear the sound of the band tuning up and practicing scales. The cheerleaders are huddled on the benches that sit on the track surrounding the football field. When I take a breath in the air smells like fresh cut grass and popcorn; a strange, yet nice combination of scents.

"Why was momma wearing your apron?" Quin asks.

"Of all the things, that's what you noticed?" I laugh. "Don't worry about momma, we're here to have fun. You're the coolest middle schooler now, you're here with three senior boys! Don't forget to tell all your friends," I say in a teasing tone to hype her up.

"Three cute senior boys," Quin corrects, "Who is the cutest?" she asks.

"You are so boy crazy! They are all cute in their own ways, but also, off-limits!" I react but try to sound playful.

Quinny is too young for any of these guys now, I think she'll have to wait a few years before I entertain the idea of being okay with that. They are all good-looking though. Declan is tall and lean with golden blonde hair and olive skin. Gael has a gorgeous face with blue eyes that could melt most people, he's broad and looks really strong, plus he has an edgy almost bad-boy appearance.

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