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I was awoken by a way too hard to be playful punch in the arm this morning. Nolan has been making progress since he's been hanging around the McCauley's but he still has his asshole moments. We need each other now with the way everything is at home but he has definitely slipped down the ranks of society lately. He can't deal with our family drama the way I am. Of course, he can't because he didn't have someone like Wren to put his broken pieces back together. I try to be that for him but he is closed off and I got to a place where in order to protect myself I have to just let it go.

He hits me again, "Asshole, breakfast," he scoffs as he tosses a Twinkie at my face.

I consider the snack cake and decide that I would be better off without it, then I roll out of bed with a groan and start to get dressed. I search out my glasses under my sheets and start to pull on my boots.

"Dad didn't come home again?" I ask, and Nolan's only reply is an eye roll in my direction. I guess that answers that.

Thank God it is Friday. I don't know if I can handle much more of the social hierarchy that is high school this week. Last night was our senior Homecoming dance and seeing Wren in her dress, with her long auburn hair curled down her back, her blue eyes shining over perfectly hot pink painted lips that accentuated that perfect cupids bow at the top of her mouth, it struck me to my core.

I never would have imagined her that way, she is always perfect in her hoodies and chucks. I love those jeans she always wears, all torn up and offering little secret peaks at her soft skin in all the right places, but last night... she was a woman. I can't believe the girl I became friends with years ago grew into that goddess without me noticing it, and that goddess was on the arm of another man.

I've been kicking myself for telling Gael it was okay to take her as his date all week. It makes sense that another guy in our friend group would finally see what was there all this time, a beautiful woman who is too sweet for this world. I had always suppressed all my feelings for Wren because I couldn't bear to think what would happen if it didn't work out. With all the recent events, that has gotten harder to do and I have definitely let some stuff slip. 

I have always thought Wren is cute, all the way back to when we were twelve but I was a late bloomer. I was always way too shy to date until recently, and honestly with the way my family is falling apart I hadn't really thought about it. Not until I had to face the idea of losing my Wren to Gael and then she got hurt and I felt even worse. I know I love Wren, I know I love her family and already feel like a part of them. Sure, now there is all this stuff with her mom but it doesn't change my opinion of Wren's family, it is still better than what I have at home.

I shake my head almost violently as if to eject those thoughts out of my head completely and grab my backpack. After reconsidering the Twinkie for later, I go outside and I hop on my bike and head towards school. It was a quick ride and there was enough going on that I didn't think too much more about last night - until I got to school and saw that Wren's parking spot is empty. It looks like Gael is here, though, could she have come with him? Shit, how did this happen so quickly?

"Stop it!" I say to myself in a stoic whisper. I lock up my bike and walk to the coffee cart, but when I get there, I am surprised to see Gael and Declan with NO Wren.

"Browskis!" I exclaim, putting a fist out towards each of them trying to steel my face as to not give anything away. 

They reciprocate, bumping my fists so I smirk and say, "Where's Wrenny?"

Gael looks at me pointedly and says, "We were hoping you'd know..." 

I can't help noticing that he paused a little too long at the end of that statement, almost as if there is something he isn't saying.

"You were the one on a date with her last night, why don't you know?" I retort with a little too much anger in my tone.

He looked at me blankly and Declan interjects to ease the tension, "She didn't leave with Gael, we don't know where she went." 

My anger grows and I can feel heat rising to my face, "What did you do, fucker?!" 

I point at Gael and stab his chest a little harder than I intend to.

Before Gael can respond, Declan places one of his hands on each of our shoulders, "Calm it, take a breath, we all care about Wren, we're just trying to figure out what happened," he looks at both of us nodding his head to make the point.

I take a deep breath and just say, "Sorry bro, I'm worried, shit has been hitting the fan all week for her, I have to go find her. I didn't mean to get so pissed," I look at Gael smirking, "But if this is your fault we'll continue this later."

I walk away before anyone can stop me and duck into the bathroom. After I splash a little water on my face and quite literally cool off, I pull out my phone. I still have ten minutes to get to homeroom so I go back to the coffee cart and order my regular espresso shot and Wren's usual mix. I text Wren with a coffee emoji while I wait, and then bring myself and the glorious caffeine to homeroom.

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