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Wren takes her hoodie off, it's the first time I've seen her bruise since it happened and it still looks distressing. She winces when she tries to pull her sore shoulder out of the hoodie but I can't focus on that because she's got a tight little black tank top on that shows every curve of her body.

She hands me a notebook, "So for this I need bust, waist and hips, I also need to measure my shoulder to my waist diagonally," she explains and then she hands me a tape measure.

"I can't bend this arm up and over so I just need you to hold the tape loosely and tell me the measurement," she explains as she holds the tape measure to the front of her shoulder with her good arm. 

I'm standing behind her, and something about this position feels really intense.

"So take the loose end and wrap it around my hip then back up to meet my end," she says.

My breath catches as I reach my arm around in front of her to get the tape measure and pull it to her hip.

"Actually let's write down this measurement too, just hold it just behind my hip there, what's that say?" she asks.

I can't talk or she'll know how much this is affecting me so I just write down the number then take the tape diagonally across her back to meet her fingers. Why does this feel so sensual? I hug her and touch her all the time, but this is like sharing a bed with her all over again. I've got to get it together.

 "Okay, perfect," she says. "I can mostly do these others on my own but it's easier with help."

She turns to face me and I realize just how close she is standing to me. I think she just noticed it too because he lets out a small gasp. She's looking in my eyes and there is so much tension I could just kiss her right now, it would be so perfect, but how would I explain that to Gael? I'm only so strong so I hope she'll do something soon; just then as if she is sensing my need she boops my nose. I guess I deserved that.

"No boopsies backsies," she says playfully.

I chuckle because she is adorable.

"Okay now just wrap the tape measure around my back, I'll hold one end, we just need to meet the other," she says.

She holds the end of the tape measure just below her belly button; I meet the end and write down the measurement. Then she moves the tape measure up to the smallest part of her waist, I meet the end and write it down. Oh God, I just realized what's last. She holds the tape measure lightly over the center of her chest, my hand is shaking but I wrap the tape around her body and try to meet the end without touching her too much. I can see that she has goosebumps on her chest and collar bone area. She lets out a shaky breath and it hits my neck, making me shiver. I drop the tape and write the measurement down as fast as I can. Damn.

"Okay, thanks," she says, blushing slightly.

"No worries," I sit back down on her bed.

Get it together, Kilian, that was way too close.

"Look at the time, I've gotta get dinner in the oven, wanna stay?" she asks.

 "Definitely," I reply.


I take Kilian down to the kitchen because I need to get some space from my bedroom. That was so tense. I swear he was going to kiss me but then I got awkward and booped his nose. I don't know why I did that, I guess I'm starting to figure out why I've never been kissed.

"We're having lasagna tonight, want to help?" I ask.

"Of course," he answers, "But you're going to have to teach me, the last thing I cooked was a cup of noodles."

"Okay, wash your hands and you can brown the meat for me."

After I'm done setting Kilian up at the stove, I start to grate the cheese. It feels nice to be in the kitchen with someone else, I'm usually on my own. When I'm done, I put a pot of water on the stove to boil and check on Kilian.

"How's it going over here?"

"I think I actually got this one," he replies with a smirk.

Quin comes into the kitchen, "What smells yummy?"

"Hey Quinny, I didn't hear you come in, how was your day?" I ask.

"Good, I got an A on my Math test," she says smiling, "The one you helped me study for."

"Great! Glad to hear it, you'll have to tell me all about it at dinner time, okay?" I say.

She smiles happily and heads to the living room.

"Wren, do you do all of this every day?" Kilian asks.

"Uh, yeah, I have been because dad is at work until late and well mom hasn't been... doing it," I admit awkwardly.

"This is a lot for you to do by yourself," he says.

"I know but it's for Quin and also Dad and I have to eat too," I say with a smile.

"Wait, how often do you cook dinner?" 

"Oh, pretty much every night," I say casually.

"So, the roasted chicken and mashed potatoes?" 

"Oh yeah, that was me, that's what I meant when I called you last night. I've been covering for mom for a while," I say and I can't really hide the sadness in my voice.

He puts down the spoon and comes over to me, "I'm sorry I didn't know you were going through so much, I should have seen it and for what it's worth I think you're a great cook," he says then he pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks Kil, it's okay, I just thought she would get better eventually and I didn't want Quin to fall through the cracks, I never meant to do it for as long as I did," I say, then I sigh, "I guess now I will always be doing it."

"No because now I'm going to be here to help you, you don't have to do this alone anymore," he says and he's smiling.

"Thank you, just another reason that you're the best," I reply. "We're getting close to the fun part of making lasagna, first I just gotta boil the noodles and the mix the ricotta cheese."

Kilian heads to the pantry and gets the noodles for me, "All of these?" he asks.

He's just adorably cute and clueless. "Yes sir."

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