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Declan and I go to Kilian's house and after a quick chat with Nolan, we head back towards the hospital. When we get there, Kilian meets us in the waiting room. I don't know what to say and it seems like Dec doesn't either, we both look at Kilian expectantly.

"She's still out," Kil says.

I pass him his clothes and he offers his thanks.

"Think we can come back with you? We didn't really get to see Wren earlier," Declan interjects.

"Oh yeah, they seem like they are being chill about visitors and I could use some company that is actually awake," Kilian replies.

We head back to the room and sit on the window sill. We're both just kind of staring at Wren while Kilian changes in the bathroom. The room is quiet besides the sounds of monitors buzzing and humming. When Kilian comes back in he already looks a little better, I imagine sitting in those bloodied clothes was pretty uncomfortable. He joins us and sits back in the chair.

"So, what happened?" I finally ask.

Kilian's face drops and he covers it with his hands, he shakes his head and takes a breath as if he's trying to compose himself.

"I found her on the kitchen floor sitting in a puddle of orange juice crying," he takes a shaky breath, "I tried to help her up, but her shoulder was hurt," he sucks in another deep breath. "This is all my fault," he says pushing through tears, "I stood there hugging her trying to calm her down, talking to her but I didn't know her head was hurt, I noticed too late, I was too late," he says letting tears fall out now.

Declan puts his hand on Kilian's shoulder as a show of support. "It seems like this was going to happen whether you were there or not, at least you found her, you need to stop beating yourself up."

"Yeah man, you got her help right? That's what she needed, you did what you could," I agree.

Now I'm all of a sudden feeling terrible for being so aggro earlier. I can't imagine what he felt; I would have been so scared to find anyone in that state, let alone my best friend. Kilian wipes his face with his hands and takes a couple more breaths. We all sit there quietly for a few minutes until we hear a quiet voice.

"I want a snowball," Wren says as she sits up in bed.

"Wrenny!" Kilian beams, smiling and we all go over to the bed.

Wren is sitting up, smiling and looking like herself beside the fact that she has a bandage on her head covering up some of her hair.

"You gave us all a scare," I say, "Let's not do this again anytime soon."

"When are you going to bust me out of here?" she says, fidgeting with her IV and struggling with her pillows.

"You have to stay for observation, you have a concussion," Kilian answers.

"Boo!" she giggles.

It's like she isn't even hurt anymore until she winces and puts her hand on her head, "My head hurts!" she says with a little bite and sass, "And my shoulder, shit, it really hurts!"

"Calm down slugger, I'm sure they've got you on some pain meds or something," Declan chuckles.

I can't believe how silly and cute she is being right now, she's usually so serious in tough situations.

"I'll go see if I can sniff out a snowball for you," I say with a smile.

 "You're the best Galy!" she replies, I used to hate that nickname but now, it's growing on me. 

"I'll come with you," Declan replies.


After Declan and Gael left the room, I turned to face Wren.

"Are you ready to talk about what really happened? Your dad is so confused and Quin saw something but I don't know what," I said, sounding a little exasperated. I wish I could calm myself down, but this feeling I have right now, I've never felt it before and I've never been one to keep it cool under pressure.

"Take a breath Kil, I'm okay now and yes, I'll tell you everything of course but I have a question. Can we keep this between me and you?" she replied.

"You know I would never tell anyone anything you don't want me to," I reply, assuring her.

"I know but this, this could get my mom arrested or worse, maybe Quin would get taken away from her completely and I don't think Quin could handle that, I just need to say it out loud for my own peace of mind. I already told my dad that I don't want to involve the police," she says, seriously.

"The police!? Wren, is it that bad? I know what you said in the kitchen, but so much of it is a blur," I ask, getting upset even though I'm doing everything I can to chill out. 

"It's that bad, but my mom was obviously under the influence, she's so mean when she gets drunk. I should have known better than to step to her today. I don't want everyone's life to get ruined over this, maybe she will finally get help," she says sweetly.

It makes my heart hurt that she somehow thinks that she should have known better. This whole situation is making me sick to my stomach but I can't say no to Wrenny.

"If you're sure," I say.

 "I am, my dad said he wouldn't let her come home until this is sorted, he will keep me safe and I have you, Gael and Declan. I need to do what's best for Quinny too," she says like she's trying to convince me.

"Don't forget about what's best for you," I reply.

"I won't, now do you still want to know what happened? Or have you changed your mind?" she questions.

"Tell me," I almost beg her.

"This morning I sent Quin to get dressed and started to talk to mom about last night with Robert. She was in full on denial and she basically refused to talk to me and locked herself in the bedroom before I could get anything from her," she explains.

I simply nod my head to show that I'm listening but I want her to keep talking.

"After lunch, I cleaned up the kitchen and Quin's friend called, she left to go get ready, and my mom started in on me again, asking me what my problem was. I pointed to her orange juice and confronted her about it. She was furious again and slammed her hands into the table telling me she didn't have to answer to me, something came over me and I grabbed her glass and ran to dump it down the sink," Wren continues.

I can tell that she is getting upset now, her breaths are coming faster, and her face is flushing. I reach my hand out and place it on her lap over the blanket.

Falling for my Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now