What I See

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Quin continues to save me and I don't know if she knows it or not but I'm so thankful. I came here to see Wren, but after my idiotic display, I need to get away from her for a few minutes, so helping Quin is a perfect excuse. 

I wait for Quin at the kitchen bar, I'll help her but I still want to spend time with Wren. Eventually, both girls come down and meet me in the kitchen. I'm running math drills with Quin while Wren is standing in front of the stove making something that smells delicious. She is singing to herself quietly and swaying her hips slightly and I'm hypnotized.

"Kilian, how do I do square root again?" Quin interrupts my thoughts.

I do my best to teach her and she seems like she's getting it. I'm happy that I'm here and actually helping them. Wren is straining some potatoes and adding them to a bowl.

"Am I getting mashed potatoes?" I ask excitedly.

"Hmm, maybe, is Quin going to get an A in math?" Wren says, smiling.

"I'm doing my best," I say with a goofy grin.

"Not quite mashed potatoes but I think you'll still be happy," she says.

I take every chance I can to watch her, she's using a mixer to blend up the potatoes and adding ingredients as she goes. I see cheese and bacon, it's like poetry in motion, she is so in her element. She grabs a plastic bag from the pantry and loads the potato mixture into it, she cuts the corner off the bottom and masterfully adds the potato mixture to some potato skins she's set aside in swirly patterns. She tops them with cheese and puts them into the oven. I feel like I'm already drooling over her and the food.

Just then, Shane gets home and joins us in the kitchen. He kisses Quin on the head and pats my shoulder before he goes over to Wren, "What are you making sweet pea?" he asks.

"Twice baked potatoes and pork chops, I'll do a salad too before we eat," she says.

"Sounds delicious, thanks for doing all of this," he says brimming with pride and I'm glad that he at least seems like he sees what she's doing for him.

It seems like Wren has just masterfully slid into her mom's place and she is still managing her grades on top of her injuries and everything else that has been happening to her lately. She made her own Homecoming dress, she's magnificent and I don't know how she keeps getting better but she does. She is such a strong woman and I'm lucky she lets my lame ass anywhere near her.

Quin finishes her homework and packs up her things.

"Wren, can I help?" I ask.

"Sure, you can wash the lettuce for me," she says, looking up from the cutting board where she is chopping up a few different vegetables.

I do as I'm asked and grab the lettuce from the fridge and make quick work of shredding it and washing it. 

Wren comes over with a large bowl where she has already placed her vegetables, "Here, toss it in here when you're done," she says.

"So, what's a twice baked potato?" I ask curiously.

"Just that," she says with a giggle, "A baked potato stuffed with mashed potatoes and baked again."

"Um, that sounds awesome," I say.

"You are easy to please, O'Connell," she says, teasing me as she masterfully mixes the salad.

"Here, can you take this out there? There is dressing in the fridge," she says as she heads back to the oven.

I help her set the table, and shortly Quin and Shane are joining us in the dining room, seemingly called by the smell of Wren's delicious food. She brings out the rest of the food and we all sit down. Before I know it, Wren is grabbing my hand and we're listening to Shane bless the food. Once we load up our plates, I dig into my potato and it's literally one of the best things I've ever eaten.

"Wren, this is better than I thought it could be, thank you!" I say excitedly.

Quin chimes in, "Thanks for helping me study math."

Everyone smiles and continues to enjoy their food until Shane asks, "Big dance tomorrow, huh? You two still going to take pictures here?"

The way he says it, it's like he's assumed we're going together, we usually all just go as a group, so maybe that's all. Not that I would be surprised if he had picked up on my feelings for Wren either but I can't think about that right now.

"Yeah Dad, we have to continue the tradition," Wren says, "It's the last one!"

"You're so grown up now, I remember taking you two to the middle school dances and you always said you didn't even dance," Shane says, chuckling.

"It will be fun," I say, feeling like I should chime in.

"Speaking of, I still need to go finish my dress," Wren says.

At that Shane stands up and starts clearing the plates and Wren goes upstairs, I absentmindedly follow her.

"It's nice that your dad seems to be thankful at least," I say as I sit on her bed.

"Yeah, I just hope he is nice to me about my dress," she replies. 

"I don't see why he wouldn't be, it looks great!" I say trying to encourage her.

She steps on the sewing machine foot and runs it for a minute, she is chewing her lip and it's adorable.

She takes a breath, "You know how he is, I just am trying to prepare myself for the worst so he can't get in my head, I want to have fun tomorrow."

She's adjusting the zipper on her dress and clipping the fabric together, she scrunches her nose while she is working and I can't stop staring at her.

"We're going to have a blast, I promise," I say with a hopeful smile.

She runs the sewing machine up the other side of the dress with a look of intense concentration. 

She holds it up and flips it around, "I think it's done," she says like she's satisfied, "I'll be right back, I just want to put it on to make sure it's right."

I sit on Wren's bed looking around her room, there are pictures of shirtless bad boys pasted up over her desk, but the rest of her room has a comfy almost vintage feel. It really is just like her, edgy with the comfort of home. I notice the yearbook that is opened on her bed, the woman in the photo looks so much like Wren that I'm confused but then I realize it's Cara. I wonder why Wren was looking at this.

Wren comes back into the room in her dress and she takes my breath away. It's perfect, I couldn't think of anything more her. She slides her hands down her body, smoothing the dress out, and does a turn. Her perfect ass is hugged in all the right places and it's hard not to stare, down boy!

"Well?" She asks expectantly.

"A+," I say before I realize how lame it sounds.

She walks towards me and sees the yearbook and closes it, "Quin said I look like her," she says softly.

"Well, you do," I say.

"She's a beauty queen, I'm hardly that, I'm just short and average," she says dejectedly.

I stand up and lead her towards her mirror and force her to look at herself, "There is nothing average about you, look at yourself, you're smart, hardworking, determined and beautiful, I wish you could see what I see."

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