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I pull up into my driveway with Kilian and Nolan in tow, it's weird that Nolan is at my house, but this train is already on the track now. We walk inside to find everyone sitting at the table with breakfast all around. Dad looks a little rough around the edges but at the same time that's pretty typical for a Saturday morning. When he sees us come in he looks up and smiles but Mom talks first.

"Make yourselves a plate and join us," she says.

She looks all cheerful, at least she actually cooked the food this time. Part of me hopes that she might feel bad about something and be trying to make it up to me.

"This is my brother Nolan," Kilian announces, his smile looks proud and he looks cute with the way his hair is sort of curly and untamed today.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet more of Kilian's family, please make yourself at home," Mom says with a big toothy grin.

"Glad to see you, son," my Dad says, nodding toward Nolan.

Nolan stuffs his hands in his pockets and rocks on his feet uneasily, "Thank you," he says as he watches Kilian awkwardly.

It's like he doesn't know what to do next. Killian grabs a plate and hands it to him and Nolan looks a bit more comfortable as they start to load up their plates.

"I'm going to go upstairs and get out of last night's clothes, I won't be long," I say before I run up the stairs to get changed.

As soon as I'm alone in my bedroom, my thoughts drift back to seeing Kilian take his shirt off at his house. Sure I only got a back view but wow, he's bulked up. Just remembering the way his shoulders look like they were cut from marble has my stomach doing flips. All of those weight lifting sessions during PE have done him good.

All I can think about is being held against his muscular chest last night and now I'm almost salivating. I've got it bad and now I'm going to the dance with Gael. With all the craziness of last night I still haven't been able to talk anything through with Kil. Maybe we'll have some time later today.

I quickly change out of my clothes and throw on a red sundress and my black chucks. After I splash myself with some orange blossom perfume it's time to brush out my waist length hair. It's no easy feat since I didn't take care of it before bed last night. Once my knots are out I make a quick stop to brush my teeth then head back downstairs.

"Does anyone else want coffee?" I ask as I enter the kitchen.

My dad and Kilian both agree by smiling and nodding, it seems like Nolan is nervous to ask me for something so I say, "Do you drink coffee, Nolan?"

"Uh, sure," he says nervously, "Just plain black is good for me," he finishes with a timid smile.

I see Kilian try to hide his laughter, I know he's not used to seeing Nolan uncomfortable. I have to admit I'm not either, he usually seems like this big, intimidating, larger than life guy but now he just seems normal.

"No coffee for me hun but if you could refill my orange juice I wouldn't mind," Mom chimes in as she raises her glass in the air.

I didn't ask her but I won't make a scene since everyone else is getting along so nicely. When I step away from the dining room and into the kitchen I start brewing the coffee then fetch the orange juice from the fridge.

I'm trying not to grumble as I pour it but then I catch the familiar scent of alcohol. Holy shit! What if Quin had tried to drink this? This is low, even for mom. Spiking the family's orange juice? How does she not think I'm going to smell this?

The glass starts to tremble in my hand, anger is taking me over. I can't believe this, I knew that this was a stunt, I feel so dumb because I tried to play nice. I want to go dump it out on her damn head. Maybe I should tease her like I'll tell Dad on her and beat her at her own game.

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