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"You've got it bad," Nolan teases.

"Yeah and I don't care who knows it," I laugh.

"Well good on you! When do you want to go over there?"


"Eager much?"

"Yeah, you know it, you're the first person I've told about us, thanks for being supportive."

Nolan and I make our way to Wren's house. We decided to walk because it's a nice day and we actually talk, about everything, for the first time in a long time. When we get to the house I ring the doorbell and wait, to my surprise it's who Shane opens the door.

"Well, hello boys, to what do I owe this surprise?" he asks.

"We were thinking maybe we could help finish the gazebo?" I offer.

"Really? Wow, yeah I wasn't planning on that today but I don't have anything to do, thank you, come in."

He escorts us in and makes his way to the kitchen, he puts on a pot of coffee.

"Sorry, I think Wren is in the shower but I'm sure she'll be down soon," Shane says smiling.

"Actually, we really did come to talk to you, there are some things we want to ask you about," I admit.

"Okay, go easy on me," he laughs.

I bump Nolan in the shoulder knowing that his news is more likely to go over better.

"Oh uh, yeah, well I was telling Kilian that I really enjoyed working with you, I've been looking for a construction job, he said I should talk to you," Nolan mumbles.

"Son, that's great! I can definitely give you some contacts and put a good word in for you, we work with a few companies," Shane smiles.

"That would be great, thank you, just let me know what I need to do and I hope you will let me help with the gazebo, I owe you," Nolan says returning the smile.

"Of course."

Just then Wren saunters into the kitchen with her wet hair draped over her shoulders and then I realize she's wearing a bikini, I want to cover my brother's eyes and grab her at the same time.

"Hey guys!" she says cheerfully.

"What are you up to?" I ask.

"Quin is on her way home, she wants to swim and hang out today, it's been a while since we've had some sister time so I told her okay."

I haven't seen Wren in a bathing suit since seventh grade and let me tell you, there are some noticeable changes. It's killing me not to go wrap my arms around her right now. The tiny scraps of material covering her beautiful body are turning me into a jealous caveman and all I want to do is cover her up with my body. I look at Nolan and his eyebrows are raised so I punch him in the side. He coughs but eventually averts his eyes. 

Wren makes her way to the coffee machine and stands on her tiptoes to grab some mugs from the cabinet. Oh my God, her ass looks like a perfect juicy peach and I want to bite it. The beauty of this is now, she might just let me. Nolan elbows me and gives me a smirk that says good job. I kind of want to kill him for looking at her but I can't blame him at the same time.

She brings me a cup of coffee just the way I like it and winks before she walks out of the room. I swear she's swaying her hips more than normal and I can't say I mind it. I'm hers, I'm wrapped around her pretty little finger and I don't care if she knows it.

"Kilian, is there anything else?" Shane says, disrupting my naughty thoughts.

"Uh yeah, there is..."

"What's wrong?" he asks alarmed.

"Nothing. Actually, I think it's a good thing," I say trying to reassure him.

"Are you going to share with the class?" Nolan says and I swear I could strangle him at that moment.

"Yeah um, well maybe once we get outside," I murmur.

"Okay, well let's drink this coffee and we'll get to it," Shane says smiling again.

After a few minutes we go out into the yard, the pieces from the other day lay strewn across it. Shane tells us what to do and everyone gets to work. This is going to be harder than I thought. When he kneels down in the grass to start nailing in the lattice, I decide that this is the best time.

"Shane, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure son, what's on your mind?"

"Well, I don't know if this is going to come as a surprise or not but the truth is... I'm in love with your daughter."

A small smile spreads across his lips, "You don't say!" he says sarcastically.

"Yeah, I mean I have been for a long time and it is just too much to contain anymore. I want to date her, be with her, is that okay with you?"

He sits silent and I start to get nervous. "Your blessing is important to me because I respect you," I continue.

"Kilian, of course it's okay, son, I love you, you're part of this family."

I can't stop smiling if I tried.

"I know you'll be good to her, I support this, all of you are great boys but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad it was you."

"Thank you, Shane, you don't know what this means to me."

"Does she know?" he asks.

"Well, I told her last night."

"So, I'm assuming since you're talking to me, she's on board with this?"

"Yeah, she wanted to talk to you but out of respect I felt like it should come from me."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me, just know you have my support."

"Shane, thank you, really, I promise I'll take care of her."

"Somehow I know you will," he smiles and claps my back.

I try to get back to work for a while before I get distracted by high shrieks from the pool.

"It's so cold!!" Wren squeals.

"That's the best part, now we lay in the sun and bake," Quin explains.

"How old are you again?" Wren giggles.

"Almost 13."

Shane comes over to us and tells us to take a break and go to the pool. We've had a cache of trunks at Wren's house since forever but I doubt any of them are going to fit right now. Nolan and I dig through the pile and find what fits us best. I feel a little exposed but whatever. Nolan and I go out to the pool deck and cannonball into the pool splashing the girls.

"Hey!" They shout collectively.

"Come swim, it's break time," I beg.

"Okay, if you say so," Wren says, splashing down right in front of me.

Quin just sits back and laughs at us.

I take Wren into my arms, "So your dad is pretty happy about us," I say before I plant a kiss on her lips.

Quin and Nolan whoop and holler.

"Really?" my blue-eyed beauty smiles. 

"Yeah, he is, I told him I want to be with you and he said that we have his support."

She smiles and kisses me again. Holding her close to me with this little clothing on is dangerous. I can tell she feels it too because she wraps her legs tightly around me. I don't have anywhere else to grab but her ass, damn, it feels even better than I thought it would. This is mine, my woman, I can't believe this is happening.

"Alright you two, get a room, there are young eyes around," Nolan says teasingly but he's right. 

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