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Just when I think that I'm not going to be able to control myself I hear the front door open and close. Kilian's eyes go wide so I sit up and grab my shirt. I pull it over my head and go over to the loft and look over the side of the wall.

Shit, shit, shit. I run back into my room and lock the door behind me.

"What?" Kilian yelps clearly alarmed.

"My mom just walked in with Robert," I say and I can tell that I'm shaking.

Kilian pulls me into his arms and squeezes me tight, "You're going to be okay, I'm here this time and I won't let you out of my sight."

"I mean what is she doing here?" I ask.

"Do you want to find out or do you just want to stay in here?"

"I don't know, I guess I should try to call my dad?"

Before I can get to my phone someone knocks on my bedroom door. Shit. I freeze, Kilian just looks at me. I have to decide what I want to do, fast.

"Wren, I know you're in there, I just came to get my things, I wanted to talk to you," mom says through the door.

"Do you want to try?" Kilian asks and I wish I knew the answer.

"I don't know, right now I feel sick."

"I'm here now, I won't let anything happen to you, if you want to let her in I can stand between you, if she starts being nasty I'll make her leave, okay?"

"I mean she is still my mom right? She has to be in there somewhere," I offer, trying to be reasonable even though I'm terrified.

"Yes, it's okay, this might be good," Kilian reassures me.


"Wren, please, can I come in?" mom begs through the door again.

Kilian steps to the door and unlocks it, it's only then that I realize he's not wearing a shirt but whatever, I guess mom can deal with this. He opens the door and steps back closer to me and puts an arm around me. Mom steps into my bedroom and her face is only slightly shocked.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you two to figure this out..." she says smiling.

"Mom, what did you want to talk about?" I ask as I pass Kilian his shirt.

"I'm happy for you," she smiles and she almost looks like the mom I remember.

"Thank you, but you didn't know he was here so what did you want to say to me?" I insist.

"I know you can't forgive me easily but I hope one day you will. You have to know that I never meant to really hurt you and I'm glad you're okay. I love you," her voice cracks.

"Thank you, I love you too," I reply because no matter what happened between us, it's the truth.

"I can't do this with your father, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have said that but I can't be with him anymore," she confesses.

"Have you told him this?" I ask.

"I have, we had lunch today. He's not in a good place but I want you to know that if things get too bad here that I'll be here for you. I'm staying at Robert's but I have my same number."


"I'd like to give you a hug if you would allow it," she says timidly.

Kilian looks at you and releases you from his grasp, "It's up to you..." he says.

I take a deep breath and muster all of my courage, this is my mom, the same mom she was last week, something awful happened, but this is my mom. I take a step toward her and she closes the distance and gives me a long hug, she only pulls away after kissing my head and saying she loves me. It was comfortable but I can't trust her, not yet. Just because she isn't totally wasted right now doesn't mean she won't go get lit when she gets home.

"I'll leave you two to your fun, please be careful though," my mom teases.

"Mom, not that I feel like I have to tell you this, but this is new, we just kissed for the first time tonight, nothing crazy is happening, please don't get dad involved, I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"I wouldn't," she says with a smile and leaves.

You hear her reach the bottom of the stairs and you go to the loft to watch her and Robert leave.

"Are you okay? That was..." Kilian stops short like he's not sure what to say.

"The Twilight Zone?"

"Something like that, she seemed so normal," he agrees.

"She wasn't drunk, that's the difference, she probably had a few drinks but she's not blitzed."

"Well, are you okay?"

"Talk about whiplash..." I say sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"The last time I saw her she was screaming at me and calling me a bitch and now she is all like understanding and I love you, I don't know what to think."

Kilian walks towards you and wraps you in his arms, it's a different kind of hug and it's so comfortable. He plants tender kisses on the top of your head and it's such a nice feeling. It's a strange place to start a relationship, already being in love with each other but when you've spent nearly every day in the last six years together like we have you know what's real and how you feel. 

Kilian guides me to my bed and lays down pulling me on top of him, then he rolls over and settles me into a comforting embrace.

"The kissing is great, I love it but I love this too, just being able to hold you and be next to you, it's been excruciating hiding this from you," he says quietly.

"I know what you mean but now we don't have to hide anymore," I say and it feels really good.

"What do you think your mom meant, she wouldn't?"


"The way she said it, it could have meant she wouldn't tell your dad or that she was telling you that you shouldn't talk to him."

"I don't know, I guess I didn't think of that, but dad loves you like a son, I don't think he's going to be an issue and if we try to sneak and hide he'll find out eventually."

"I can't sneak and hide anymore; now that I have you I want everyone to know it," he says with a big smile.

"You make me so happy," I say before I kiss his nose.

"Good, I'm happy too, and I hope you're ready, we're going to be one of those sickening sweet couples."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah babe, I can't wait to show off my new girlfriend, I'm going to make sure everyone sees," he says excitedly.

I can't stop giggling. I'm happy that he has feelings for me at all but the fact that he's so excited is a big bonus. 

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