Operation Flip-Flop

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That was so much worse than I thought it would be. My stomach hurts and I feel like I just want to go home. By the time we all left together, Wren looked happy, happier than I thought she would look. I guess it was wishful thinking that she would be bothered, Gael and Wren do make sense.

I admit that I told him it was okay to take her to the dance but I thought I would have more than a few hours to get used to the idea. Gael promised me it wouldn't be a big romantic thing and that it would be friendly. But despite Gael's assurances, the question popping didn't go as planned.

When he got down on one knee in the middle of the bleachers in front of the whole school, it was still a grander gesture than I had imagined. Matters were only made worse when Quin made a big deal about it, calling it romantic. I mean, I thought she'd be on my side, we're close like that.

Who am I kidding? She probably has no idea there even are sides because I won't just man up and admit my feelings for Wren. It always seemed like there were a million reasons not to muddy the waters, but now there is nothing I wish I did more.

When Wren looked at me to check how I was feeling I could feel that I was scowling but I was powerless to stop it. While Gael was waiting for Wren to answer she was looking around at everyone like she didn't know what to do. I wanted to stand up and object until I realized that it's at weddings where you can do that.

Instead, I gave her my best fake smile. Wren seemed so uncomfortable. I knew crossing the line between love and friendship would change everything for our group. I hope everyone can get past this.

Since I'm closest with Wren, I think it's my job to keep the group together and smooth this over. I'm not sure how to right the ship until Wren gives me an opening by mentioning food. At the mention of fried cheese, I sprang into action and tried to get this night back on track.

As we were heading for Wren's car though, a thought crossed my mind; I always sit in the front with her, but now... are those two supposed to sit together? Does this mean they're dating? Should I give Wren space so that she doesn't feel so awkward?

I decided that I should be the bigger man and step aside. It's the right thing to let Gael try his best with her. It sucks but I did tell him it was alright.

So when we got to the car, I headed for the back seat. Wren's face looked startled when she realized what was happening. I know it sounds silly that we would worry so much about who sits where, but when you do everything the same way for so long, a change in the routine is jarring.

Suddenly, Gael opens her door for her! Who is he, and when did he become all chivalrous? Weren't we all just laughing at him because he talked with his mouth full? This is some zero to sixty shit, and I can't say that I like it, at all.

It seems like you could cut the tension in the car with a knife. It's weird to be sitting behind Wren, I can't see her face, and I don't like that. Wren goes into hype mode and cranks her music and rolls the window down. Windows down, music up; I know this is her coping mechanism, is she okay?


We make it safely to the restaurant, and I guess that's all I can ask for, for now. The entire ride I could practically feel the daggers coming from Kilian in the back seat. I hope that they weren't meant for me.

Once we're inside Boomers, the familiar atmosphere calms me down. Boomers is a typical diner with its red formica table tops and black and white checkered floor. All of the tables are different themes, the tables have stickers and toys, and things sealed in resin on top to indicate it. We sit at our usual table, the music booth, but Kilian sits in Gael's regular seat in front of the backstage pass from a Twisted Sister concert.

Falling for my Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora