Missing - 911

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When I get out of the shower, there are still no new texts on my phone. I decide to check in with Gael, he brought her home after all, but I can't shed any suspicion on her mom either so I have to be careful on how I approach this.

[Kilian]: I'm bored, u and Wren up to anything?

[Gael]: Nah, I dropped her at home

[Gael]: She said she was goin to the fabric store, that's boring

[Kilian]: k, hit me up if anything fun happens

A dead end, kind of, maybe she is at the store. I go out to her car and even though I feel bad driving it around town, right now I feel like I have to. My first stop is at the fabric store and when I get inside I scan all the aisles, nothing, no Wren. The fabric store is close to her house so I'm going to do a drive by. Her dad's truck is in the driveway and it's starting to get dark, all the living room lights are on. Should I just go knock? I'm being such a creep right now but it's coming from a place of care. I'm just going to go knock. 

Shane swings the door open before I can even knock and he looks terrified, "Thank God! Please tell me you have Wren with you?" he says.

"What? No! What's wrong?" I ask, my voice shaking.

I glance around the room to survey who is there, Quin is sitting on the couch all red nosed and I can tell that she has been crying. I don't see Cara. Shane has a blank look on his face, like he doesn't know what to say.

"Come in," Shane says finally, "Have a seat, we'll figure this out."

"Where is Wren?" I ask.

"We don't know, Cara was here, we had a family discussion and I told her she needed to get help if she wanted to be involved in our lives anymore. She got angry and refused, even though she knew what she was coming over here to talk about. She pointed the finger at Wren and said some really terrible things to her before I could intervene," he explains.

My blood is boiling. "Okay, where is Wren?" I insist.

"She just walked out the front door, she was barefoot and upset, I didn't think she would go far like that, I was trying to give her space while I got Cara out, but now it's been an hour and she hasn't come home," he explains sighing at himself. "I just keep screwing this up, I'm trying my best, I swear it."

"Have you called her?" I ask.

Quin doesn't answer, but instead points to Wren's cell phone sitting on the table.

"She's outside, upset, barefoot, it's dark and she doesn't have her phone?" I ask, realizing my tone, I correct myself. "I'm sorry Shane, this isn't your fault, I've been worrying about her for hours because she told me Cara was here, and my emotions are running away with me."

"Any ideas where she would go?" he asks.

"I'm not sure, I can get the guys to help me look if you're okay with that, someone should stay here with Quin in case she comes back," I say like I know that I'm doing but at this moment Shane looks broken and I feel like I have the clearer head.

He just shakes his head yes.

"You have my number, let me know if you hear anything and I'll keep in contact," I say and then I head out the door, my heart is beating so fast. This is a smaller town and it's relatively safe, but who knows where Wren went or what she's thinking. God, I hope she didn't somehow go downtown. I start a new group chat with Gael and Declan.

[Kilian]: 911

[Gael]: ?

[Kilian]: Wren is missing

[Dec]: the fuck?

[Gael]: missing?

[Kilian]: no one knows where she is. She doesn't have her phone, we need to look for her

My phone starts ringing and it's Gael, I steel myself so I can make sense to him.

"Where do we start, what's the plan?" he says before I can even say anything.

"I'm at her house now so I'll take the West end of town; can you get Declan and take the East?"

"Sure, but what's going on?"

"Just find her, her house will be home base, if you find anything or hear from her let me know so I can tell her dad," I plead, "Trust me, I'll fill you in once she's safe."

"Got you bro," he says and he hangs up.

[Dec]: I'll go out on my board 3 sets of eyes are better than 2

[Kilian]: K, Wren's house is home base, let me know if u find her


I still can't believe my mom pointed her finger straight at me and said, "This is all your fault!"

How can this be my fault? I didn't even tell my dad what happened with Robert, yet. I don't understand why she has it out for me. I know I'm a good kid, I know that I've done everything that I can do to make them proud.

"Come back here, you little bitch!" Really Mom? I just can't believe she said that to me. I walked out of the house with no idea of where I'm going, I just knew I had to get out of there.

Thoughts are banging around in my head like a hurricane. I'm not even sure what I'm thinking about. I'm just walking, walking is making me feel better. It's not until I get down to the shopping center outside my neighborhood that I realize I don't have shoes on. I think about going back home but it hasn't been long enough yet. What if she's still there? I don't think I can face her so I just keep walking.

I'm not even sure what direction I'm going anymore, after a while I realize that I've gotten pretty far away from my house and it's getting really dark now. I take a deep breath and decide it's time to turn around and head home. If my dad let my mom stay in the house, then I will just leave again. Maybe I will take Quin with me this time.

I start making the long walk back toward my house. I'm walking down the main road and there are cars whizzing by me. It kind of feels like everyone is staring at me, I mean probably do look really crazy; I've been crying and I have no shoes on. After a while, I find myself at the shopping center near my neighborhood again. Butterflies swell up in my stomach and I realize I just can't go home yet. I'm not ready to talk to anyone. 

I find a bench under a light and decide this is where I'll be for a while. When I sit, I pull my knees to my chest and hold myself tight; I just want to stop crying. This was bound to happen, this has been too much for me to handle on my own for a long time and now I finally bottomed out. I'll sit here until I decide I can go home, that's really the only thing I can think of to do.

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