Burning Hearts

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I've been in this backyard more times than I can count but never to build something with Shane. He has legitimate looking plans drawn up on paper that you have to unroll. The scent of the blue ink smells like Shane's office. I've only been in there a few times but the drafting table has a very distinct inky smell. I feel like I'm going to be part of something special.

"Just tell us what you'd like us to do, Mr. McCauley," I say excitedly.

The smell of the fresh lumber strewn across the lawn makes me happy. It looks perfect contrasting against the bright green grass. I love building things; this is going to be a great way to clear my head after last night.

"I think you boys can start calling me Shane," he says with a smile. "Kilian, can you set up those saw horses over there with those two by fours?" he asks, gesturing toward a pile of wood.

"Nolan, if you'd help me by holding this plywood up right here, I'll nail it in," Shane says as he holds a large piece of wood up against some studs.

Nolan seems happy to help Shane. Maybe he feels the same way I do; our dad never did anything like this with us. It's nice to have a man teaching us how to do man things, building something is so satisfying.

I do as I'm asked and for the next few minutes we work in comfortable silence with only the sounds of tools in use. The squeal of the drill accents the sound of my hammer in a melodic way. It's crazy to me that no one has made a rock song about construction work, at least not one I've heard before. It seems like easy money.

I finish my task of setting up the sawhorses and finally head over to join my brother, "What did Shane say to you at the police station?" I ask quietly.

Shane is over setting up a rotary saw table, so it's not like he can hear our conversation anyway. I'm still curious what exactly is causing this shift I've seen in Nolan since the night he was arrested. I doubt it was simple because of the arrest, Nolan has been in trouble for a long time.

"You reap what you sow," Nolan replies, quietly.

Interesting, I've heard Wren say that in conversation before too, maybe it's the McCauley mantra.

"He's right and I can tell that you're really trying," I smile before I suggest, "This can be your second family too. They really are great, you don't have to go it alone anymore."

At first I'm afraid that I've pushed it too far but Nolan just gives me a look and nods with a small smile crossing his face. I wish I knew what he was thinking but in reality it's just nice to see him wear an expression other than a scowl.

"Here Nolan, let me show you how to use this circulating saw," Shane says on his way over to to us. "Kilian, you can set up these mitered corners and nail them together, make sure they are square," he says gesturing to a pile of wood cut into perfect angles.

It is so hot outside today and there is literally no shade anywhere. I do my best to focus on the work at hand and push through the discomfort. Soon sweat is dripping down my forehead but I'm making progress on my project so I still feel pretty happy.


As I step into Quin's room the pinkness of everything hits me. She likes blue more now but her bedroom is still stuck in the little girl, princess phase.

"How are things going up here?" I ask as I enter the room.

She is staring out her bedroom window, twirling a tendril of her red hair around her fingers.

She turns to me and it's easy to see that she is blushing, "When did Kilian become such a snack?" she asks and I almost can't believe my own ears.

"What did you just say?!" I exclaim, surprised, and go to the window to see what she's talking about.

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