The Fashion Consultant

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Is it seriously only Tuesday? The last week of my life feels like it's been a year. I'm sitting on the bench on our front porch as Kilian pulls into the driveway in my car. I run over to the car and I notice that he is wearing a really tight t-shirt today, he looks so good. Deep breaths. I get into the car and can smell his cologne, how does such a good boy smell so much like a sexy bad boy? Maybe my car will keep his scent for a while; a girl can dream. We greet each other with smiles.

"Hey, I just realized I never got to ask about your job interview," I say.

"Oh, well I think you had a lot on your plate but it was good, I think it went well," he replies.

"Good, just don't get a fancy job and never have time for me anymore, okay?" I tease.

"I would always make time for you," he says and he smiles at me and I swear his teeth sparkle.

"Can today just be a normal day?" I beg.

"If I have any say in it, then yes," he replies.

We listen to music until we get to school and then like usual we meet our friends at the coffee cart and surprisingly it is actually a normal day. 

We get to cookie break and still there are no problems, it's almost too good to be true. Lunch is a laugh as usual because Declan makes a sculpture from his food. My last two classes of the day are both Yearbook. I spend one class grading other people's spreads and editing them for print and then I spend the next dealing with photos, organizing schedules and planning with coaches and teachers. After school, Kilian drives me home and we listen to music and have fun.

"When do you think my dad will let me drive again?" I ask.

"I guess technically you're cleared now, you want to switch?" he asks.

"No, it's ok, it's kind of glamorous to have a chauffeur." I tease.

"What's the plan for tonight?" he asks.

"I really have to make my homecoming dress unless I'm going to go in my blue jeans."

"Can I help?" he says, hopefully.

"If you want to," I laugh, "I didn't know sewing was your thing."

"I'll be the fashion consultant," he says in a silly accent.

"Or just comic relief," I tease. "You can help but you can't distract me."

We pull up to my house and go up to my bedroom and get settled. After a few minutes of relaxing, I know I have to get to work. 

"Pull the dress form out of my closet, will ya?" I ask. 

I figure if he's going to help, I'm going to make him do the heavy lifting. He makes easy work of the dress form while I set up my sewing machine. I start to drape the black fabric over one shoulder, the one where I still have a giant bruise.

"I was thinking I would do a one shoulder dress to cover my arm like this," I show him. "What do you think?"

"Magnifique!" he exclaims, and the silly accent is back.

I can't hold in my giggles, "Okay, then at the waist here I'll make red inserts," I explain.

"You lost me there," he says.

I pull out my masking tape and tape a triangular shape that darts in the hips on the dress form. "This part will be the red leather material," I continue to explain.

"Oh, I get it now, cool!" he says, actually seeming like he's really interested.

I get in my zone and finish draping the dress on the form, the top is sort of billowy but it gets tight at the waist. I realize that I'm not talking to Kilian and look to him to see him just watching me intently.

"You're cute," he says.


"The pins in your mouth, the silly bun on your head, you're so in the zone, it's cute," he explains.

Heat rushes to my cheeks, "Okay, but what about the dress?" I ask.

"It looks great, on you, it will be perfect," he says smiling and I can't help but wonder what is with all these flirty vibes I'm getting from him lately.

"Hey, what're you wearing to the dance?" I ask.

"Probably just black pants and a white shirt, that girl Christy from Science class asked me to go with her, I don't really know her but I figured why not, I don't know anything about her dress," he says.

My stomach drops. Why did that bother me? I'm going with Gael and it's not like he asked Christy, she asked him. He's hot, I can't blame her.

"Well, save me a dance at least, it's our last Homecoming together," I say.

"Like you have to ask," he responds.

"We'll still have to take pictures at my house before, it's tradition, you can invite her if you want to," I say.

"Nah, I pretty much just told her I would meet her there, I knew I was going to be with you all before," he replies and I love that answer.

"Okay, I have a weird request, since my shoulder is really tight I can't do my measurements properly, can you help?"


I can't seem to get enough of Wren lately. We've always spent a ton of time together but now every time she is near me, I don't want to let her leave, which is how I got myself into helping her make her Homecoming dress. You know, the dress for the date she is going on with my best friend but I'm trying not to focus on that.

She's so focused and it's adorable. She keeps squinting her eyes and scrunching her nose. Her long hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun and she's holding her sewing pins between her lips, her perfect pouty lips. She keeps stepping back from the dress form to get a better look and she rocks her hips slightly like she's trying to picture how it would move. She catches me staring and I can't think of a witty response so I just tell her flat out how cute she is.

We talk a little bit longer while she works but then she asks me to help her with her measurements.

"Uh yeah, what do I do?"

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