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"Does this change everything?" I wonder out loud.

"I don't think it has to, Gael said, 'Wren has always been your girl, you're the only one that doesn't know that,'" Kilian replies.

"What does that mean?"

"That they knew I loved you but they were just waiting for me to admit it. Shit, Nolan knew too, that's why I was gushing at the hospital, Nolan got in my head."

"I can't be mad because I didn't tell you how I felt either but why did you wait?" I ask because I can't contain my curiosity.

"At first I was scared, so scared it would mess things up or you would reject me that I pushed the feelings way down. They were there, every time I saw you I thought you were beautiful but after you got hurt, I thought my life was over, I've never felt anything like that."

"I'm sorry."

"No, stop, I mean I knew it then, it was love, way more than an infatuation, more than a crush, but Gael was already taking you to Homecoming and it was just a mess. I wanted to kiss you so bad the day I helped with your dress but I just felt like I had to wait until after Homecoming. If you were happy with Gael I would have to step back."

"Let's just be honest from now on, okay? No more secrets."

"Of course babe," he says, smiling brightly and I can't help giggling. "What? I just like saying it," he continues.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

"Are you kidding? I'll stay every night, and in a few weeks we'll start looking for an apartment so we don't have to worry about your dad."

"Kil, how are we going to do that?"

"When I turn eighteen my mom left me some money, Nolan spent all of his on stupid stuff, that's why he's stuck at that house but I don't want to live there, it only makes me sad."

I sit up in my bed and look at him wide-eyed, "Wait, what? Sorry, this is a shock."

"I was going to tell you, I figured I would just get a place and you could come over whenever you wanted or maybe we'd even be roommates but now I want you to move in with me. If you want too and of course Quin can come whenever she wants."

"How much money are you talking about?" I gasp.

"As long as we get a reasonably priced apartment we would have at least a year before we run out."

"Kilian, I..."

"I've been planning for our future for at least a year, I didn't know we would be a couple but I knew I needed you in my life, I was going to tell you everything on your birthday."

"Wow, I mean, yeah I would love that, especially with everything it would be great to get some space from here," I say a little out of breath.

"You can do everything you've always wanted to do, play the guitar, write songs, sew and sell things in a shop online... you have a year to decide what works and I'll help you, every step of the way."

I sweep the hair out of his face and pull him in for a deep kiss. It's passionate, something I haven't felt yet, I can almost feel my heart swelling.

"Kil, your mom wanted that money for you, I can't let you waste it on me."

"My mom loved you, I love you, I want to be with you. I want to help you but if it makes you feel better, I'm going to get an apartment no matter what, I just hope you'll come with me."

Falling for my Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now