I Love You

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"C'mon," Wren says as she walks up the stairs.

I try not to notice that I can see the curve of her ass at the bottom of her shorts but it's right in front of me and I can't help but stare. She has the TV in the loft set up and a stack of DVDs on the ottoman. Sure, we can pretty much stream anything we want at this point but we like a lot of the older movies, like the ones you find in the $5 bin at the super center so we usually just watch DVDs anyway.

I feel like my whole body is shaking. I came over here to spill my guts but she's in her pajamas ready for a movie night.

"What'll it be?" she asks, handing the DVDs to me.

"Uh, I was actually hoping we could chat first if that's okay?" I ask hoping the answer is yes.

"Oh yeah, sorry, go for it, what did you want to tell me?" she says as she pulls her legs up onto the couch and sits crisscrossed.

I'm trying not to stare at her bare thighs splayed out in front of me but almost like she read my mind she places a throw pillow in her lap and props her arms up on it.

"Well, I talked to Gael and it seems like you walked up to him at a really bad moment, he wasn't talking about you," I explain.

"Okay? Who does he feel bad for?" she asks, confused.

"Riley, I guess she wanted to dance with him and he felt bad telling her no after he already told her he was going to the dance with you instead of her," I continue.

I can see the wheels turning in her head, she looks like she doesn't know what to say.

"God! I'm such an idiot! I ruined everything!" she says, "I was so in my own head, I can't believe I didn't just talk to him, shit!"

"No, wait Wren, so there is more to this story and I'm hoping it's going to be a happy ending," I say with my voice shaking.

"Okay? What else?" she asks and I can tell she is even more confused now.

"Well, Gael is good now, he got a hard punch in on me and we are all good now," I explain. "He might want to say sorry or talk to you about the misunderstanding or something, but there is not going to be any bad blood there so you don't have to worry."

"That's good at least," she says relieved, "I think I owe him an apology though, I shouldn't have thought the worst of him."

Okay, now how do I turn this conversation back in the other direction? You know, the me direction. I don't have anything else to say about Gael. I remember the night on her deck she said she'll be here when I'm ready so here it goes.

"Okay, you know I get all garbled when I'm anxious but I have some things I have to say to you and I hope that I can get them to come out right because this is really important to me," I say, voice shaking again.

She just nods her head but keeps quiet to give me space to talk.

"Wren, you are the most important person to me on the planet, you make me happy when I'm down, you're silly when I need it, you're so much fun to be around and we like all the same things, you understand me, all the time, even when I'm running off at the mouth in an anxious mumble..." I grab her hands and I see that her eyes are getting wet, "On top of all of that you're so beautiful and you don't even know it, right now, in your Mickey slippers, you're perfect. What I'm saying is, Wren, I love you, I'm in love with you," I let out the breath I was holding and hold her hands while I look in her eyes.

A tear runs down her face but she is smiling, she squeezes my hands a little tighter before letting go and launching herself into my lap. 

She rests her forehead on mine and looks into my eyes, "I love you too, I've always loved you, you're it for me, everything I'll ever need," she says through broken tears.

The small amount of air between us seems like it's crackling with electricity, my heart is racing and I'm not even sure I know what I'm doing. Yes, I'm that weird guy who still hasn't kissed a girl at seventeen years old. This isn't just some girl, this is my girl, this is my Wren. She pulls her head back and she's studying my face so I smile the most genuine smile I can muster then I take a breath and cup her face. She offers no resistance when I pull her face to mine and we kiss, it's blinding, almost like a white light just flashed in my eyes. I take a small breath and pull her in again, parting my lips a little to kiss her deeper, she lets out a small gasp and it's the best sound I've ever heard.

I break the kiss and pull her into a hug, she's straddling my lap and her head is tucked next to my neck on my shoulder, this is right, this is right where she is supposed to be. I absentmindedly run my hands up and down her back and she lets out a contented sigh.

After a few moments of just enjoying our bliss, both of us finally having shared our true feelings, just enjoying the closeness and not feeling weird about it for once she sits up and looks at me with a goofy grin.

"So, what does this all mean?" she says, still smiling.

"I think we need to re-evaluate the best friend title, maybe a promotion?" I ask jokingly.

"To super best friend?" she says, teasing me.

"I can't say I care what you call it, just that you're mine and I can tell the entire world about it," I say and I realize I mean it.

"I like the sound of that," she says smiling before she presses her lips to mine again.

We've moved into this new affection so naturally, I can't believe I waited this long to tell her how I feel but at least we're here now and that is enough. She climbs off my lap and sits next to me putting her head on my shoulder and everything feels right with the world.

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