A Secret

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I loved surprising Wren last night; we all went home when the movies were over because Shane wanted Wren to rest. Of course, she refused to miss school so he wanted her to at least go to bed early. It was the first night I'd been away from her since Friday, and I already miss her. 

This whole situation, no matter how difficult it's been, has really made me realize that I was silly to push down the way I felt about Wren. I wasted too much freaking time being scared. Unfortunately, I have the Gael situation to deal with now but Homecoming is this Thursday, only four days away, I can manage this. I don't really have a plan but I'll play it by ear.

Shane doesn't want Wren to drive so I still have her car. I get to drive her to school this week for a change. I got up early today; no Monday blues for me, all things considered things are pretty good right now. Nolan is in the living room when I go to leave and he actually talks to me.

"How is Wren?" he asks.

"Much butter, I'm sure she's still hurting but she is getting back to her old self," I say smiling.

"Uh huh, and did you tell her?" he prods.

"Not yet, I know you think I'm wussing out but I'm not, I have some things to navigate this week, I'm going to tell her when it's right," I explain.

He just gives me a knowing look and says, "Have a good day."

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my brother?!" I ask sarcastically.

"I'm reaping what I sow or something like that," he says and then he turns back to the television, clearly done with this conversation.

After I pick up Wren and we ride to school, we meet up with Gael and Declan in the parking lot and everything seems so normal. We get our regular coffees and go about our day like nothing ever happened. It's like the four of us have a secret, no one else in school even knows Wren was in the hospital. I think everything is going to be okay, finally.


Last night, Wren sat between Kilian and me on the couch. Considering everything she had been through, she still looked like her pretty self. Being next to her felt natural for me, but clearly Kilian had gotten over this whole stepping back thing because he didn't let her out of his sight, not even for a second. I'm taking her to Homecoming this week but it's really awkward considering how much time Kilian has been spending with her. I can take her to school too but I know I don't have the same relationship with her dad that he does. I'm doing my best not to let this get the best of me.

Twice last night I found ways to sneakily touch Wren and I felt like such a creeper. Before I asked her to the dance I touched her all the time, things were so simple with us, but now every touch feels like a bigger deal. I'm doing my head in. I'm still not even sure what these feelings mean to me. Leaning over her lap to grab a snack last night sent shivers down my spine; I am not like this at all, ever.


Now that we're back at school, things do feel a little bit better like they're back to normal, but all around the school there are signs and decorations hyping up Homecoming. At cookie break there is a table set up to buy tickets to the dance and I decide now is as good a time as any. When I get to the table, there are two girls looking at me with sly grins. They write down my name and ask me who the other ticket is for.

 "Wren McCauley," I say with a smile.

I have no idea who the girl behind the table is but clearly she knows me. She smiles at me knowingly and says in a flirty tone, "We were all wondering which one of you it would be."

"Me? I guess it's me, is everyone talking about Wren?" I ask, kind of startled.

"It's just high school gossip, you four have been together since freshman year, it's only natural for us to wonder which one of you she'll end up with," the girl says like she knows my life.

Not really knowing what to say and kind of pissed that apparently the school has some kind of bet on us all, "We're all going, we'll all be there."

"A likely story," the girl replies, and I just shake my head and take my tickets.

When I get back to the table with my friends, I shove a cookie in my mouth and sit down kind of hard.

"What's with you?" Declan asks.

I gesture towards the girls at the ticket table, "They say everyone is betting on which one of us Wren will end up with."

"Uhhhhh!" Wren exclaims.

"That's pretty shitty but I can't say I'm surprised, everyone in this town is boring, if we're the most exciting news they have then I say let them have it," Kilian replies. "It's not like we can stop them."

Just then the warning bell rings and we get up, Declan is the only one that isn't in our Lit class so we tell him goodbye and all head to class. The rest of the day passes as normally as it can but I'm still a little annoyed with the whole situation. Kilian has a job interview and he is using Wren's car so I offer to take her home. Finally, I get to spend some time with her alone.

On the way home it's pretty normal, Wren flips through the stations and rolls her window down. I wouldn't expect anything different from her, but for the first time I'm noticing the smell of her perfume permeating my truck and it smells GOOD. She smells like a forest fairy or something wild. When we get to her house, I'm not ready to leave her yet so we sit in the driveway for a minute.

 "Do you know what color your dress will be?" I ask, "I'm supposed to match you or something, right?"

"Oh yeah, I guess, I've never had an official date before," she laughs. "I'm going to make it, probably red and black, you know the signature colors. I'm going to buy fabric tonight; I haven't had a chance to shop yet."

I chuckle because she's right, she never really wears anything else, I don't even know why I felt like I had to ask that.

"Okay cool, well have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow morning," I say and inside I'm kicking myself for being so awkward.

"It's okay Galy, we're going to have a nice time," she says like she's trying to reassure me.

"I know, it's going to kick ass!" 

"There's Gael!" she says with a laugh as she gets out of the car.

I watch her walk inside and for the first time notice that she has a sexy sway to her walk. I can't believe I never paid attention to her before. I can't believe no one has paid attention to her.

Hey, maybe this whole bet thing has kept outside guys away from her, maybe there is a silver lining here. 

She drops her keys in front of the door and bends down to get them, and her jeans squeeze her ass. It's a perfect ass, this is not a secret, but the fact that we all really like Wren's ass is a secret shame between Kilian, Declan and me. It is the best ass in school. We obviously respect the hell out of Wren but you'd have to be blind to miss that she is gorgeous with a perfect booty. It is the one bro talk thing we allow each other to say about her, how can we not, it is perfect.

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