Get Your Girl

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"What do we do now?" I ask hoping that he has an answer.

"You're going to go get your girl and I'm going to find a flavor of the month to crush on and get over this," he explains with a smirk.

I'm not expecting him to just roll over but it seems like he is, I must look shocked because he keeps explaining.

"Wren is your girl, she was always going to be yours, you're the only one that doesn't know that," he assures me.

"I kind of feel like I don't deserve a friend like you right now, I'm sorry that I've been such a dick about this. Are you sure?" I ask hopefully.

"I'm sure, I just wish you said something before all of this happened but I do admit that I understand why you didn't, it's scary, I only was getting a little crush on her and it rocked the boat, I know these are big feelings," he explains.

"We are being way too mature right now, we need to drink a beer and fight or something, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take," I say laughing.

He stands up and goes into the kitchen and steals two beers from his dad's stash but before he hands me one he punches me really hard in the arm, "I owed you one," he says with a smirk.

We crack open our cans and crash them together to cheers, we drink the beers silently. The tension that has been between us since he told me about Homecoming is finally dissipating and things feel back to normal until I realize that I just outed myself and now I'm going to have to face Wren. I might need another beer.


The rest of the day is pretty normal and I don't see either one of the guys for the rest of the day. I get lost in thought reworking the Senior Send-off layout and end up staying late after school. I'm finally done and happy with my work so I pull out my phone to check the time. Shit, it's after five o'clock.

There is a text from my dad saying Quin is staying at Megan's house tonight so at least she's not waiting for me.

[Kilian:] I have something important to tell u, can I come over?

[Wren]: sorry, just saw this, I'm still at school

[Kilian]: k I'd still like to talk if u have time

[Wren]: leaving now, I'll let you know when I'm home

At first, I'm nervous about what Kilian might have to say but it's probably just about his chat with Gael, I just hope that everything is alright now. I can get over myself, even if Gael meant what he said it wouldn't be the first time a man I care about made me feel small. After living with my dad all these years, life would be pretty difficult for me if I allowed comments like that to completely break me. 


I decided to ride my bike home and clean myself up, if I'm going to do this I'm going to do it right. I take a shower, brush my teeth to get rid of the beer and put on fresh clothes then send a text to Wren to see if I can come over but she doesn't answer, not for a long time. Go figure, I'm finally ready to do this but she isn't around. I lay on the couch for a while thinking obsessively about how this conversation is going to go. I need to clear the air for Gael first and I guess I just see what happens after that, there's no way I can be sure how she is going to react. Finally, Wren answers me, what was she still doing at school this late on a Friday?

I tell her I still want to talk to her and realize that it sounds way too serious and I probably freaked her out a little but what's done is done. Now I just need to wait for her to give me the all clear. I head back into the bathroom and try to make my hair look good. I don't know why, it's not like she doesn't know what I look like but I want to look good when I tell her how I feel. I rinse my mouth out again with mouthwash because after all we almost kissed the night I helped her with her dress, after I confess my love I can hope for the best. No boopsies backsies is right, not this time. My phone pings and with it my heart nearly leaps out of my chest.

[Wrenny]: I'm home, you can come over whenever

[Kilian]: k, be there soon

I give myself one more once over in the mirror, come on big guy, you got this. I slam my fists on the counter top to try to pump myself up. Yep, I got this. I go outside and hop on my bike, I don't even remember the ride over, my mind is too busy thinking about what I'm going to say and before I know it I'm propping my bike against the garage door. Her dad's truck isn't in the drive yet so at least he won't be an obstacle.

I ring the doorbell and try to take on a confident stance, I'm thinking way too much about this, Wren knows me too well and if I act weird she'll see right through me. She opens the door in some little plaid boxer shorts and a white tank top and to top it all off she has on her Mickey Mouse slippers. Shit, why does she have to be so cute? This is just going to make this more difficult, focus Kilian, get it together.

"Hey, I made some popcorn, I was going to watch movies or something," she says with a smile.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Quinny is at a friend's house for the night, dad said he is going to a work related bar night or something, I don't know," she explains.

"Maybe all the contractors get wasted and build weird shit," I say, trying to laugh at my own joke.

"I wouldn't put it past them, remember that Christmas party when my dad and his boss jumped off the bar because they got way too into Free Bird?" she giggles and I can't help but laugh with her because yes, I remember it, it was hilarious. 

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