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I pull out a bowl and start to mix the ricotta cheese with salt, pepper and oregano. I grab an egg from the fridge and as I'm cracking it into the bowl, Kilian comes up behind me and says really close to my ear, "Why the egg?" and his breath tickles.

"I don't actually know, my mom told me this was key, maybe it gives it structure?" I say.

"Interesting, what's next?" he says.

"Check in the warming drawer under the oven, there should be a big casserole pan," I say.

He looks like a deer in the headlights, "Casserole pan?"

"The big rectangle one," I say, trying not to laugh.

He holds up the pan, "That's it," I say, "Can you pre-heat the oven to 375?" 

"Would you believe I actually know how to do that?" he says with a smirk as he heads to the oven.

"Okay, now we get to do the layers, noodles, sauce, meat, ricotta, mozzarella," I explain. "If you'll strain the noodles, I'll get this pan greased."

We're cooking together like a well-oiled machine, and it's so nice. I'm having such a good time.

"Alright, so just do your best to make even layers, at the end of the day it all tastes good," I laugh.

We take turns layering the ingredients into the pan; Kilian gets some sauce on his hand and smears it down my nose. We're laughing the whole time.

"Last but not least, lots of cheese on top," I say.

"You know how I feel about cheese," he laughs.

Just then, dad comes home and walks into the kitchen.

"What're you two up to?" he says with a grin.

"Making lasagna," Kilian replies.

"You got a little something on your..." my dad points to my nose.

"I know, courtesy of this guy," I bump Kilian with my hip. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour, we're just about to put it in the oven," I say smiling.

"Hey, why don't you invite Declan and Gael over too, it can be a thank you for helping us out last night," Dad suggests, "Looks like we have plenty of food!"

"Have you seen these guys eat?" I say laughing, "But yeah, that's a good idea, thanks Dad."

Kilian puts the lasagna in the oven and sets the timer, while I text the group chat and invite the boys over.

[Wren]: Sorry, I know it's late notice but if you're hungry Kil and I made lasagna.

[Declan]: I'm in

[Gael]: Ditto

[Wren]: Ok, well it's gonna be about an hour but come over whenever


So, now they are cooking together? Okay, I'm starting to realize that if Wren wants Kilian there is no way I'm going to win and for some weird reason I'm okay with that. I'm a confident guy but I can't compete with their friendship. I just need to know where I stand. I'm legitimately confused because Kilian basically told me to go for it but he's been testy ever since and if he wants her, why hasn't he made a move?

I jump into my truck and head to Wren's house for dinner, basically deciding that tonight is not going to be about me and Wren, but instead about Wren and her friends. 

After I ring the doorbell, Quin lets me in and Declan is already there.

"Join us," Wren says with a pretty smile, and the dining room smells like the Olive Garden.

I take a seat on the other side of Wren because obviously Kilian has already claimed one of them. Her dad wants us to say grace and I decide this might be a way for me to get in there so I say, "I'm happy to!"

I see Kilian entangle his fingers with Wren's and I do the same, I'm not going down without a fight. "Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to you now..." the rest of my words slip off my tongue and I'm not even sure what I said.

"Thanks son, let's dig in," Wren's dad says but he's interrupted by his thoughts. "Kilian, does your brother need to eat?"

"Uhh, he might, I don't really know," Kilian answers.

"Invite him over, he was there for us, we can be there for him," Mr. McCauley explains.

Before I know it, Nolan is joining us at the table and we're like a big dysfunctional but happy family. Wren looks pleased to have all of us around, she nudges Quin across the table and she looks happy too.

Now that I've been let in on the secret about Wren's mom I can't say that I'm surprised she isn't here but it still seems strange.

A few minutes later, Wren stands up and says, "I need some air," before she heads towards the back door. 


When I see Wren get up, I immediately can tell something is wrong. I follow her outside faster than anyone else can and catch her by the arm.

"Don't run away from me, I'm here for you," I plead.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, the emotional support just came over me like a ton of bricks and I thought I was going to puke," she explains.

I wrap her up into a tight hug and start to whisper in her ear, "I'm here, and I always will be, you're going to be okay."

"Don't you see? That's just it, I.... I... nevermind, there is just so much happening right now," she says breathlessly.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," I say.

"You sure? What if it was a world rocking, life changing revelation?" she asks.

Hope creeps into my chest, what else could she be talking about? "Wren, I'm here and I promise that no matter what as long as I'm on this earth I will be, you're my best friend, my everything."

She just clutches my shoulders tighter, digging her nails in, "You're my everything," she says like a whisper that escapes her mouth even though she didn't want it to.

"Wren...??" I say breathlessly, hoping that this is finally the moment.

She pulls back from me and looks me in the eye. "Look, I remember what you said at the hospital, you can't keep this to yourself anymore, I'm ready to talk when you are."

"Wren!?" I say startled. 

"I'm here when you're ready," she says, pulling away from me and heading inside.

Dammit! She literally just gave me the perfect opening and I fucked it up. After all, she is going to Homecoming with Gael in two days, I suppose I should get used to this feeling. Shit! I can't believe I blew it. 

Falling for my Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now