Rush X Ambush (Fluff)

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Evening struck, and the relaxing pattering of the downpour brought a tranquility to Rush, as he made his daily rounds through the hotel.

As per the norm, each entity was up to their own routinely schedule. Seek paid a visit to Figure, who often grew bored as a result of the blindness it faced. On many occasions, he had found the two laid together on a rose sofa, Seek vocalising a written story so Figure could enjoy it too. They claimed to be good friends, whenever Rush asked them, but there was something else in there for certain; the way they were around each other, the change in demeanor was very suggestive and alluded a different kind of relationship. Rush kept the analysis to himself, letting them work it out in their own time and not rushing them into anything.

Leisurely pacing towards door 54, Rush heard a loud bang, accompanied by a thud in a distant room ahead. No players had wormed their way past the library, according to the highly alerted librarian, so there was a pathetically small chance of it being a human.

Adjusting his shoulders, his loosened his shoulders and readied himself to sprint over to the source, prepared to lash out on the human.

Ghosting through the rooms, he wasn't prepared for the sight he was met with.

A pale green figure was laid on the floor, next to one of the wooden support beams. Blood was racing down its face, painting dark shades of crimson onto its cheeks. Some got into its mouth, and Rush hated to think of the metallic taste of the red fluid.

Normally, Rush would've scoffed at the sight; the two were practically enemies. Their competitive spirit and alikeness brought them to hate one another, and the pettiness between them was laughable. However, unbeknownst to Ambush, Rush didn't have much against him. Sure, Ambush had a tendency to act high-and-mighty, but their similarities convinced Rush there was a possibility of acquaintanceship.

Sighing, Rush squatted down by the entity and felt his neck for a pulse. He was alive, no surprise there, but it was faint. Light, shallow breaths were coming from his mouth and, as he laid on the floor, his dark eyes jetted back and forth, widened with fear. Evidently, he was fearful and began to sweat, lightly groaning in pain as he tried to force himself up as to not appear weak.

Placing a hand on Ambush's back, Rush pushed him upright until he was laid against the support beam; noticeably, the weaker of the two was shaking, his hands jittery and his fingers failing to stay still.

Crouching in front of Ambush, Rush placed a hand on his shoulder and bellowed,"How did this happen?"

The meek voice that leaked from the entity's mouth in a pitiful response was nothing comparable to the typical snarky and confident voice he was used to,"I-I...I don't know. I...I was..."

His eyes lowered, taking a focus on his trembling hands. Even he'd heard the difference in his voice; the stammering and the stuttering made him self-conscious.

"Look, clearly you need some medical attention. And I know I can't leave you here, because the others will kill me for it." Rush spat out, the first sentence less hesitant than the second.

The second long pause between the first and second sentence had Ambush amused, but not for so long; a stabbing pain grew in his forehead, like a heated knife penetrating his skull.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and I'll lift you." Rush ordered, widening his outstretched arms so Ambush could keep his balance.

Ambush's retort was nothing grateful,"What..? I'm not doing that...especially not with you."

Using force, Rush slotted his arm under Ambush's knees and one on his back, hoisting him bridal style. For Ambush, it was humiliating; to have his mortal enemy carry him was nothing short of shameful.

Rush hurried through until he found a room containing supplies. Letting Ambush down onto a bed, he rifled through the medical supplies, searching somewhat desperately for anything to help.

"Why?" Ambush's voice came from behind him, distant.

Slowing his motions, Rush grew perplexed,"Why what?"

"Why...did you bother to help me?" Ambush questioned, trying to lift himself up on the bed using his arms,"We're enemies, you hate me! You..."

Feeling a sudden jolt of pain, Ambush clasped his hands over his left eye, gritting his teeth to deal with the pain.

Taking an ice pack to Ambush, Rush slapped it onto his forehead gracelessly,"Because, I don't necessarily hate you. You're just stuck up at times, you act better than me and you do dumb things to one-up me, thinking I hate you. I have literally nothing against you."

Ambush's gob smacked expression was enough to satisfy Rush, as it was something he waited everyday to see. A smorgasbord of different emotions took their turns being expressed, from remorse, disappointment, agitation and sorrow to satisfaction, relief and joy. It was relieving to know he didn't have to waste energy trying to best him, but it was weirdly disappointing to know he was the one making the one sided rivalry. Rush only played along to keep him content, to boost his "enemy's" ego, he supposed.

Draping a moist towelette onto Ambush's bloodied face, Rush acted unmoved, as if Ambush's reaction was anticipated,"I'll have you know I don't care whether we're enemies or not, you're still one of us and I can't leave you to die.

"Well..." Ambush's regained feeling in his hands, and their spontaneous movement ceased,"...if I can't put energy into hating you...what do I put energy into...?"

Moving his face closer to Ambush's, Rush wiped the blood off of it, rubbing his fingers on his skin with just a piece of cloth separating them.

Raising his arms, Ambush placed them around Rush's shoulders, pulling him down slightly using the remains of his energy. It wouldn't have taken Rush much energy to escape, but he chose not for the sake of a potential alliance. Putting his head on Ambush's shoulder, he rubbed his cheek against the side of Ambush's head, feeling a sudden heat from him. His own arms were around the entity's waist, snuggly holding him close.

"If we can't be enemies, can we be friends? Close friends." Ambush questioned, his tone stronger than before.

Petting Ambush on the head, Rush withdrew from his embrace,"I hope you're not saying this because you're concussed."

"No, come back." Ambush begged, arms out wide,"I'm cold."

Throwing his knees onto the bed, Rush crawled over to Ambush and embraced him again, his warmth bringing Ambush contentment. Tucking the injured entity into bed, he beckoned him not to sleep until he was sure the injury wasn't fatal.

Rubbing his head against Rush's chest, Ambush heard his heartbeats and relaxed himself a hair. It was strange sharing a bed with someone he was convinced was his enemy, but eventually discovered was his friend.

Rush, getting too comfortable on top of the sheets, nodded off to sleep. Ambush didn't want to wake him up or bore him, so he kissed him lightly on the forehead as a way of expressing his gratitude before laying his head back down into the pillows.

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