GuidingLightxCuriousLight (Familial)

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The heavy thud of a human skull against the ground captured Curious Light's attention; these humans, in Curious' opinion, were the most naive and weak things they had ever witnessed. Yet, despite that, Guiding Light always managed to dig into themself and find a soft spot for the strange creatures.

As A-120 tore through the halls, Curious Light gave a humoured chuckle before eventually deciding to leave. Rooms was such a repetitive place to be, with the same four or so rooms generating. There were only the four entities there, five including themself, and they decided to pay Guiding a little visit.


Just as a group of humans had managed to reach the elevator and descend, Guiding Light noticed the arrival of their younger sibling, Curious Light.

"Hey, G, how are you doing?" They called over, earning a very perplexed expression from Figure (even if that was only the slightest widen of its circular mouth).

The amber hue emitted from the carefree sibling let them know that they weren't dreaming. As fun as it was to have a sibling, Guiding Light could admit that Curious Light was of no use to the humans; their presence was mocking and obnoxious, their supposedly humourous responses quite apathetic and rude. Many humans took no interest in them, insisting they were a pointless extension of Guiding Light themself, when the two were very separate entities conjoined only by their distinctive glows. Some considered them both angels, others deciding the two were past victims of the vicinity. Either way, they shared a sibling bond, whether by blood or light.

Guiding Light knew of the reputation they had amassed by their heartless and immature comments, and loved their childish charm nonetheless,"Ah, Curious Light, you dared to pay me a visit. How thoughtful of you."

"I thought you'd need some company, some real company." Curious Light remarked, taking a slight jab at humanity for no particular reason.

They had never managed to pinpoint the specific reason why Curious Light held some grudge against humans; they were capable of expressing pity, but Guiding Light suspected it was because of the past they shared. Or, the past they could never remember.

"They are real company, Curious Light. Admittedly, they do not bow down to us, but know they respect and are thankful for my presence." Guiding Light retorted, some form of withdrawn disapproval in their voice, disapproval at the way Curious Light held the belief they were superior to such a species.

"G, I have already told you that they're some silly little species. Don't be so uptight all the time about them. They can do things on their own, if they're as 'dependable' as you said they were."Curious Light murmured, taking offense to Guiding Light's sudden defensiveness.

That's when it hit them.

"Guiding Light, you know it wasn't your fault. Stop holding yourself responsible for every single death that goes on here."Curious Light suddenly interjected before Guiding Light could slip a single syllable in.

Planting a hand on their elder sibling's back, they gently rubbed the centre to prove some form of comfort to them.

It was nothing unfamiliar; Guiding Light had a track record of taking responsibility for even the most unpreventable of deaths. As a protector, it cut them deep hearing the same sickening screams and howls of pain, wails of loss and tears of regret with each death.

Many a time, Guiding Light had opened up to them about it, never caring too much since Curious Light had an opposing stance on those who needed their protection.

Wrapping an arm around their shoulder, Curious Light heaved out a sigh,"If it makes you feel any better, I'll let you in on a secret; they respawn. They'll be back before you know it."

"I know. I feel responsible for it, regardless." Guiding Light sighed, their mood not lightening in the slightest.

Something about this agitated Curious Light; it wasn't exclusively their fault that some of the humans were so terrible at it. Some trekked through several times, each giving Guiding Light a sense of relief or accomplishment, only to die once and destroy what little satisfaction Light had built from their previous successes.

Taking a moment to recall some more humourous memories, Curious Light piped up again,"Remember that time that Figure turned around and fell down that staircase?"

A small snicker escaped from Guiding Light; they felt guilty for laughing at Figure, but it was a bloodthirsty creature and deserved no sympathy.

"Oh, and when Seek tripped over and fell -Splat!- on the floor?" Curious Light asked, chuckling to themself at the fond memory of the sociopath taking a stumble for once.

Guiding Light began to brighten up a bit at the reminiscence of the creatures messing up.

"Okay, you may have gotten me there, Curious Light. I will admit, it is quite hilarious to see them fault."Guiding Light began to laugh, barely managing to cough the words up.

Pulling their elder sibling into a cuddle, they snickered,"So, cheer up. No need to be such a 'Debby Downer'."

"With all due respect, I have no idea what you are on about; not the foggiest clue." Guiding Light murmured, very unfamiliar with the term.

Upon realising that Guiding Light hadn't ever heard someone be called that, they giggled more,"Just a way of saying you don't have to be so miserable and down all the time, Debby."

"...but my name is not 'Debby'." Guiding Light stated, clueless.

Sighing, Curious Light shook their head and kept clinging onto their sibling,"It's a phrase. I know your name isn't Debbie. It was just what a human said to cheer up another human once when A-90 had screamed in their face."

"I can confirm that... thing is unnerving. I believed Screech to be so irritating to deal with, but the child is simply acting his age. A-90 is possibly my least favourite of any entity in the hotel or Rooms." Guiding Light huffed, finding the mere mention of the entity enough to shudder in fear of an encounter.

Laughing at Guiding Light's fear, Curious Light snorted,"You're afraid of that of all things?"

Playfully smacking Curious Light, Guiding Light went flustered,"Be quiet! That thing is truly unnerving! The entities within my establishment are far more bearable than the hell spawns you put up with, Curious Light."

Toning down their laughter, Curious Light heaved out another sigh,"I know, I know."

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