Figure x Reader (Fluff)

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(I'm aware I've already done this, but in this iteration Figure is able to speak.)

Their breaths crept through their locked lips, their heart beating out of the rhythm they'd set.

Hiding in the closet from Figure made their lungs ache as their vision darkened. Thankfully, Hide wasn't there to shove them out as he had done.

Digging a finger into their pocket, they took a marshmallow and popped it into their mouth to quieten their breathing. Figure was lurched in front of them, his hot, heavy breath getting inside the closet.

Their face heated up in the confined space as their teeth stabbed the confectionary. The incisions dented the sides, and the fluffy insides tickled their tongue. It tasted better than anything they'd ever tried, because it was the only upside to the scenario. This was never how they'd envisioned themself dying: locked in a closet guarded by an eight foot beast with a mouth for a face as they ate marshmallows in a locked library. Such a fate it would be.

Uncertain of whether it had a sense of smell, (Y/n) shut the bag. Rustling from their contact, the bag gave (Y/n)'s hiding spot away.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" (Y/n) cursed quietly, biting their tongue.

Figure was positioned in front of the wardrobe, body facing it. His fingers clawed the doors, ripping them open forcefully as (Y/n) shook inside.

"Please! Please, don't do this!" (Y/n) pleaded, their words landing of deaf ears.

A pensive growl was spat out of Figure's mouth as his head leaned into their torso, as if he were smelling something.

Their body tensed up as the entity drew near, being unable to locate the sickly sweet scent he'd caught.

Raising a hand, they pat his head in hopes of getting him to stay still. He, shockingly enough, stayed still as (Y/n) slotted a hand into their pocket and dug out a marshmallow. Their fingers poked into his jaw, carefully setting the sweet on his tongue before resuming patting him.

Figure liked it a lot; having a human so close to him, petting him and feeding him something so uniquely sweet to the savoury flavour of uncooked human flesh was a wonderful experience.

Clutching (Y/n) like a doll, Figure hauled them out of a closet as they let out a whimper. Resisting the urge to scream, (Y/n) closed their mouth and bit down on the marshmallow. Their shoulders scrunched up as his pointed claws dug into their sides, not even leaving a mark.

Figure, only wishing to protect the human, recoiled at the sound, his hands being led to the floor. Something about the high frequency sent a shock through his lanky body. Having never seen himself before, Figure didn't understand what there was to be afraid of.

Figure's tongue pierced the marshmallow that rested on top of it, chewing it contently before finally swallowing it. Their heartbeat was below him still, far under his waist. Humans never seemed to exceed more than his knees, almost comparable to insects to them.

His hand picked up off the ground, moving goofily along the wardrobe door until it reached their shoulder. Letting it sit on (Y/n)'s head, Figure scratched lightly. His clawed fingers ran through their hair, petting their head.

"Soft..." He uttered, a tiny smile pulling at his mouth," Soft human."

His fingertips traced circles on their scalp, a sigh of contentment creeping from his mouth as they did. A relatively small coo escaped their lips as they reached a hand up to caress his arm.

"Light... Flexible..." Figure murmured, recalling the sweet he tasted moments ago,"May I have another?"

(Y/n), completely caught off guard, shrank back, scavenging blindly through their pocket to give up another treat to the entity.

"You can talk, huh?" (Y/n) asked, raising a brow at the sporadic words the entity spat. They awaited no verbal response and resumed speaking,"Do you want a marshmallow?"

Figure's hand drooped from their head to their outstretched hand, flexing his fingers to get a better sense of direction.

His forefinger impaled the confection, piercing the centre perfectly. Without a minute to hesitate, Figure brought his finger to his mouth and bit into the marshmallow, feeling the fluff against his tongue.

"Is that better than what you normally eat?" (Y/n) smiled at him, their cheeks a pale shade of salmon,"Wait, what do you usually eat?"

Sucking the sugar from the finger, Figure perked up,"Human flesh."

A bead of cold sweat fell from their forehead as the dread settled in; they could be a two-coursed meal to it, and it was waiting for the right time to lunge forward and strike.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to know how to escape here, would you?" (Y/n) chanced it, pressing their index fingers together, innocently.

Arching forwards, Figure felt up their rather slim frame, his fingers trailing up their forearms,"I suppose."

His hands were returned to his chest, as he motioned his fingers in a rectangular outline, trying to find the right word.

"Paper...cipher." He murmured, his hands clasping together,"It's on the desk."

The specific way he said it, fumbling nervously, had (Y/n) convinced he'd grown attached to them.

"Ringing...books..." Figure recalled, unable to describe how or why the books emitted a twinkling sound.

The words didn't add up to (Y/n), and their hopelessly lost expression was cloaked by the black of blindness.

"I don't get it. What do you mean 'Ringing Books'?" (Y/n) pressed on, tugging at Figure's wrist like an impatient child.

"Distinctive sound...twinkling..guidance, possibly." Figure's words were well enunciated, and they understood his mumbles.

Facing away from Figure, (Y/n) tried to search for a book. He didn't like the thought of loneliness and grabbed their waist, spinning them around to face him.

"Please. Please stay." Figure's pleading was causing them a heartache.

For such a large, murderous entity, Figure had such cute behaviour.

"Fine then, I'll stay. Want another marshmallow?" (Y/n) sniggered, offering a marshmallow up to the entity,"Here ya go, big guy."

He embraced them, taking the marshmallow in his teeth from over their shoulder. Kneeling, Figure rested his head atop theirs, nestling his chin in their hair,"Gentle..You're precious..Fragile human."

They weren't too sure whether he knew what he was saying or if a really endeared couple was spouting off affectionate talk as they treaded through, but it was cute nonetheless.

His long limbs were so goofy to them, moving around like snakes; very quivery, they were, and (Y/n) was unsure if he had full control over them.

"Please.." Figure yawned, a light sound that scratched at (Y/n)'s heart,"...stay.."

His head lulled, falling slightly as he dozed off.

Oh my God, what do I do?

Laying Figure carefully onto the floor, (Y/n) edged away. Crouching, (Y/n) wandered around in search of any substitute for a bed.

A reddish pink couch was beside a set of stairs, large enough for Figure to lay lengthwise on.

Hauling his body up, (Y/n) carried Figure onto the sofa, setting him onto it. He hadn't stirred in his sleep, still dreaming about the sweet taste of confections.

Sitting on the floor, (Y/n) decided to wait until he awoke before making any moves.

A tiny smile spread across Figure's face as (Y/n) gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead. He couldn't wait to replenish his energy and play with the human.

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