Guiding Light X Sick!Reader (Fluff)

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Opening their hazy eyes, Guiding Light came to. Sleeping beside (Y/n) brought them a new view to everything.

An emotion was on the tip of their tongue; somewhat alike to that of happiness, specifically from hanging out near (Y/n). Ruffling their hair, Guiding Light stole a glimpse of them resting. Seeing such an innocence made them want to preserve it, a strong urge to protect it.

Getting out of bed, Guiding Light rubbed the sleep from their eyelids.

Oh, I shouldn't have done that. I should not have gotten involved with humans' affairs.

Holding their head in their hands, Guiding Light groaned, conflicted over what had gone down. It was nothing dirty, no, but their mere presence for too long was a crack in the rules.

Regaining their composure, Guiding Light adjusted the collar of their shirt and sighed,"Oh, what have I gotten into? This was a mistake, I don't want to be punished for my selfish actions."

As much as it pained them to admit, they couldn't find it in themself to break it off with (Y/n), whatever it was the two of them shared.

Mumbling in their sleep, (Y/n) flipped onto their other shoulder, a small smile pulling at their mouth. There was a little whimper, presumably because of the chill in the room, and the tugged at the blanket.

"Oh, (Y/n), what have you done to me?" They rhetorically asked to no response.

Even if they feared the consequence, they adored the feeling of control; to be able to make their own decisions was a feeling they craved more of.

Standing up, Guiding Light decided to go fetch some breakfast, knowing humans needed sustenance to regain energy lost. Before they left, their fingers traced through (Y/n)'s hair as their heartstrings were tugged at.

"I'll return shortly, my angel." They told them, knowing they were asleep.

Vanishing into thin air, Guiding Light's presence faded and (Y/n) was left to their own devices.

Waking up to an empty bed, (Y/n) frowned; they enjoyed the company of the entity and admired how they would disobey the higher being who ruled over them.

"Guiding Light? Where did you go? Please don't leave me here!" (Y/n) was on the verge of tears, choking up,"I don't want to be alone. I've been through the hotel before, and I know that Rush will get me. I don't even know the way to the entrance from here. Please."

Guiding Light heard (Y/n)'s distressed calls and hurriedly walked into the infirmary, a tray of food in their hands,"I'm not leaving you, (Y/n). You need sustenance and I was fetching you it."

"Oh." (Y/n) blankly stated at the tray of food, curious at to what was brought,"What's on the tray?"

Embarrassed, Guiding Light set the tray onto (Y/n)'s lap, muttering,"My best attempt at 'pancakes'. I've never made them before, so forgive me if they do not live up to your expectations."

"Pancakes?" (Y/n) excitedly mused,"You're so thoughtful and sweet."

Taking a fork in their fingers, they sliced a sizeable portion off and popped it in their mouth. The moment the syrupy sponge hit their tongue they almost cried in bliss. There were genuine tears of happiness in their eyes, and Guiding Light was misinterpreting it for disgust.

Setting the tray aside, (Y/n) cleared the way so they could launch themself at Guiding Light in a tackle hug.

" it? I thought you were disgusted as your eyes were watering." Guiding Light murmured, returning the embrace calmly.

Annoyed, (Y/n) raised their voice,"Those are probably the best pancakes I've ever had, so you best believe I don't like them. I love them, and I love you, too."

Taking the tray back on their lap, they remained in Guiding Light's reach as they handed them the spoon,"Let's share!"

Accepting their request, Guiding Light took the spoon,"It's been so long since I've tasted sustenance as a corporeal."

"Really? How long?" (Y/n) asked, swallowing a piece of pancake.

Counting on their fingers, Guiding Light drew up a conclusion,"Around 17 years."

Eating more pancake, (Y/n) nodded to show they heard the number. Once they'd finished chewing the pancake and had swallowed again, they responded,"How can you live for so long without any food?"

"I use a less energy-consuming form for the most part. If I were to resume using this form, I would need sustenance to sustain it. Without it I would starve as any human would." Guiding Light answered, putting a spoon of it in their mouth.

Shivering at the delectable taste of the breakfast they'd made, they smiled,"I suppose it was worth the wait."

Brushing their head against Guiding Light's shoulder blade, (Y/n) got comfortable,"So, is it still below expectations?"

"Oh no, Heavens no! I didn't know I had any culinary skill, let alone to the ability to create such a delicacy. I have no intentions of stroking my ego, but my talent is remarkable considering I've neglected to hone it." Guiding Light babbled, cheerily.

"You don't need to use the fancy smancy words, Light. You can use normal language, y'know? I won't choke you for trying to be an average person." (Y/n) reminded them, hoping they wouldn't be so endlessly formal.

Sighing, Guiding Light kept their arm wrapped around (Y/n), as they rested their chin on their head,"I know. It's forced behaviour. I have always known formality and I can't shake a learnt behaviour away so soon. I'm sorry if it irritates you."

"No, no! If you like speaking formally, I have no issue with it. But, if you don't then you can speak normally." (Y/n) hurriedly added, nuzzling close to Guiding Light's neck,"I like you the way you are, however you want to be. And I like the pancakes you make. I would go through the whole hotel to have more of them. That is not a bluff, that is a fact."

Digging their spoon into the pancakes with a laugh, Guiding Light continued to eat,"I'm glad you enjoyed them, and I like you very much too. You know, I've taken a liking to you, which breaks the rules, but I don't care about what they have to say about it."

"As long as I have you here, my angel, I'll take any pain thrown our way."

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