F!Ambush X F!Reader (Fluff)

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Playing on her phone, (Y/n) grinned to herself. She didn't have very long until the end of her break and decided to spend it on her phone to pass the time.

There was a knock on the mahogany doors of her bedroom and, as she kicked her legs off the bed to appear sat, it opened to reveal a distressed Ambush.

"(Y/n), can I have a word with you? It's sort of urgent.." she asked, fiddling about with her fingers.

"Yeah? What's up?" (Y/n) questioned, clueless.

"I don't mean to bother you and I know this is an awkward request.." Ambush asked as (Y/n) got the hint.

Digging through her drawers, (Y/n) found what it was Ambush needed, and handed it to her.

Graciously, Ambush pocketed what (Y/n) handed her,"You're a life saver."

"We're the only women here, so we have to keep an eye out for each other." (Y/n) smiled, kissing Ambush on the forehead,"I've got to get back to work in a minute. If you want to make plans for after work, I'd be glad to follow through with them."

Throwing her blazor on, (Y/n) re-equipped her uniform as Ambush waited for her. Patiently, she folded her arms and stood by the door.

(Y/n), sparing no time, cupped Ambush's face, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, and smiled at her,"I'll see you after work, babe."

One wave later and she was out of the door, storming down the hallway to her assigned room.


Work was a catastrophe; humans had been rampaging through the place, Screech had been overly irritating and Timothy almost got squished.

Not to mention her new heels were giving her blisters, she had a headache and she needed some sleep.

Heading back to her room, she scowled to herself. Unmistakably, she was in an awful mood. All she wanted to do was open her bedroom door, flop onto her bed and scream.

But her bed wasn't empty, so she couldn't jump on it and she didn't want to scream because it would alarm Ambush.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)." She called, looking at her gleefully,"How was your shift?"

Groaning, (Y/n) rubbed her temples,"Terrible. Awful. Everything was a complete wreck. The humans were worse than usual, Screech was being a little b-i-t-c-h and someone tried killing Timothy."

"Oh, poor you. And Timothy, but more importantly poor you." Ambush cooed, pulling (Y/n) by the wrist onto the bed as she sat up straight.

She landed on Ambush's lap, too exhausted to resist the touch of her girlfriend. Ambush wrapped her arms around (Y/n)'s waist, dragging her toward the pillows as she laid behind her, spooning (Y/n).

"Talk to me, what went wrong today?" Ambush sighed, nestling her head onto (Y/n)'s shoulder,"I know the guys do some horrendous stuff so spill it. What were their cheeky antics today?"

"You do not want to know, Ammy. Jack and Screech were breaking windows in Seek's hallway, then Hide and Seek were threatening them with baseball bats." (Y/n) confessed, almost cracking up at it.

Ambush raised a brow,"Baseball bats? Where'd they get those?"

"A highschool baseball team came in and they were trying to play baseball in Seek's hallway. He killed them all before they could finish setting up. Weird place to play a field game, to be fair." (Y/n) chuckled towards the end, feeling better venting about her day,"Also, don't go anywhere near Rush. He found a chainsaw."

"My brother is so strange. But that begs the question: Where'd he find a chainsaw?" Ambush didn't even seem shocked, moreso accepting her brother was crazy and unpredictable.

Kissing (Y/n)'s neck, Ambush snuggled her face closer to (Y/n), feeling her hair. (Y/n) snickered at the tickling feeling of Ambush on her neck,"That feels really nice. See, this is the best part about this hotel: you. After every bad day I have, I can come into my room and spend some time with you. I love that."

"Aw, you put up with them idiots to spend time with me? (Y/n), that's so endearing. They're insufferable, and that makes me feel really appreciated. I love you too." She smiled, leaning in and kissing (Y/n)'s cheek.

"I want to take you on a date, Ammy. Somewhere outside of here, like a park or a cafe. Just so we can spend time together without the others around." (Y/n) explained, considering how well it would go.

Ambush, on the other hand, couldn't tell whether to be horrified or excited,"Outside the hotel? In the human world?"

"You'll be able to come with me to a cafe or a coffee shop. I know it sounds scary but people will think you're human. You do have a weird resemblance to one. Unlike your bother who looks like he's on steroids." (Y/n) reasoned, sniggering at the end.

Thoughtfully, Ambush nuzzled close to (Y/n),"I like the sound of that. Even if we're just dancing around in the rain and twirling around on lampposts or getting a slushy at the corner shop, it sounds terrific. Anywhere sounds great, as long as you're there."

"We could go clothes shopping since we get paid extra." (Y/n) offered," Or we could go out for coffee and cake, get a slushy and some snacks and come home to watch a movie?"

"Either sounds good as long as you're by my side to do it. I'd never go into the human world, not without you." Ambush smiled, snuggling up,"Now go to sleep, you need some rest for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? You want to go tomorrow?" (Y/n) exclaimed, believing she was being fooled.

"You said I could make plans and you'd follow through." Ambush reasoned, rubbing her face closer.

"Yeah, but-" Ambush kissed her on the cheek, chuckling at how she shut her up,"Alright, but only because it's my day off and I love you so much."


"Goodnight love." 

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