Jack x F!Reader (Fluff)

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Lights flickered overhead as (Y/n) quivered in fear. Ambush's approaching whirs and groans caught her attention as she was locked onto the spot in fear.

A white, ghostly hand grabbed her and yanked her into a closet.

"Jack!" She cried out in absolute shock, seeing his monochrome face once more.

His grin was reassuring and he held (Y/n) close to himself,"Don't worry, (Y/n), you can stay here until Ambush leaves."

Fondly, she rubs her head on his chest as he wraps his arms around her. An incredible relief washed over her as she stayed to his body, feeling his warmth.

There was an alluring quality about him, something she couldn't exactly pinpoint, but she loved it.

Roaring on by, Ambush saw the closet but couldn't manage to stop in time to investigate properly. His intrigue peaked when he flashed through the room for a second time, finding Jack with a woman.

Stopping immediately, Ambush stared into the closet,"Jack, are you getting busy with someone in there?"

Straight away, Jack covered (Y/n)'s mouth to shut her up; he didn't mean to be rude but he really, really didn't want Ambush to attack her.

"Ah, no. It's just Hide." Jack warily chuckled as he held (Y/n) even closer as he rested his chin on her head,"I'm just cheering him up."

Hide, though not physically inside the wardrobe, decided to help his friend in need,"Today's just been a bit rough and I needed a little pick me up."

Hide's presence surprised Jack, but he played along with the act, gratefully. (Y/n) was a bit worried about Hide but knew that he wouldn't be allowed to harm her because Jack was there.

As the air grew harder to breathe within the wardrobe, (Y/n) closed the gap between herself and Jack, tightly holding onto him in desperation.

When Ambush eventually sped off to bother Rush, (Y/n) practically fell out of the wardrobe.

"Sorry (Y/n)..." Hide says to her, offering her a shrug.

Laid on the floor, (Y/n) glanced upwards towards Jack,"Oh, are you not coming?"

Nodding his head, Jack snapped out of his little trance. Calmly, he lowered the sole of his right shoe until he felt the floor beneath. Typically, he wasn't one to roam the hotel as the closets were more his thing, even if that was a abnormal thing.

Offering (Y/n) his hand, Jack pulled her up off of the ground. She was lifted up, and drawn close.

Her hands were on his inner shoulders, nearing his collarbone, while his hands were around her waist. Gently, he rocked from side to side with her in his grasp.

(Y/n) just went with it, letting him have this moment last for as long as possible. It was almost magical, a moment of true breathtaking euphoria.

Staring into her bright, sparkling eyes, he got lost in them,"Did anyone ever tell you how vibrant your eyes are, (Y/n)?"

Smiling broadly, she shook her head. In that moment, her words seemed unnecessary.

Moving one of his hands from her waist, he cupped the right side of her face, his thumb resting close to the corner of her lips.

"You are so, so beautiful." Jack stated, unable to take his eyes off of her,"So incredibly...astoundingly beautiful."

Beaming uncontrollably, she lowered her head so he could look her in the eyes. It was obvious that she was growing timid and flustered, her cheeks glowing red.

Softly, his thumb caressed her cheek, tracing in circles.

All she could do was look up at him with adoration; she'd never felt this way about anyone and her heart threatened to burst in her chest.

Kissing (Y/n) on the forehead, Jack made her a promise,"I'm going to get you out of here so we can be rid of all these other entities.. We're going to be able to get out and live our lives together."

Completely dumbstruck, (Y/n) blankly stated up at him,"We...will?"

Cupping (Y/n)'s face with two hands, he gave her a chaste kiss on the lips,"We will, honey. We'll get out of here and run away together."

Resting her head on his shoulder, she sighed,"Easier said than done."

Taking both of her hands, Jack held them and looked at her,"Well, I'm not giving up until I either die trying or succeed."

Perking up, (Y/n) smiled even broader,"Let's do this!"

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