Seek x Glitch x Figure (Fluff)

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From the shadows in the library, he stood watching the pair as they resumed their normal antics. To see such heartless, nightmarish humanoids interacting as if they were heartfelt friends was a sight Glitch decided was worthwhile to watch.

Seek was reading to Figure, his typically harsh, cold voice adopted a softness unlike anything Glitch had heard come out of his nonexistent mouth. His eye traced over the lines, the words coming elegantly from him as Figure listened on, his hands cupping his chin as he rested his elbows on the table to stabilise himself.

It was a scene that took him more time to take in and accept than he realised; at no point had this been the reality for the two as they were meant to be cold-blooded killing machines. Emotion of any kind, except the ecstatic feeling that overcame them once they'd killed someone, was strictly forbidden. Seek was a modal example of their blood-lusting nature, yet here he was reading to Figure.

He didn't know whether to be absolutely repulsed by the humanity the entities kept shied away, or whether he should admire and respect how tame and under control they had it; never once had either of them managed to let a human go because of these hidden feelings, so it wasn't a setback or such.

The constant jittering and low-buzz his body made kept catching Figure's attention; the entity continuously moved his head in the direction of Glitch as if to say 'I've found you'. Seek didn't understand Figure's constant distractions, assuming it to be the entity's undeniable impeccable hearing, and let himself resume reading.

Seemingly enraptured in either the story or Seek's perfect pronunciation of each word and smooth voice, Figure let go the idea of an intruding entity.

Something about the scenario awoke a part of Glitch he tried to keep dormant when possible, a part he tried to kill off so long ago but it stayed with him, a piece of him he was ashamed of. He couldn't deny the desire for inclusion in this little rendezvous. To feel how strongly they liked one another was something this side of him wanted.

But he couldn't risk everything for a stupid feeling.

He was fearful, something he hadn't experienced before, that he would soften and forget how to do the one purpose he was designed to do. If he lost his bloodlust then what would become of him?

Seek and Figure weren't making it any easier for him to resist the urges; Seek had been pulled onto Figure's lap, and the taller entity was resting his chin on the shorter entity's head.

Really, he didn't know how to repress these urges any longer; he stepped out of the shadowed corner of the library's decking and fondled with his own fingers anxiously as he approached the banister rail nearby the desk. For a minute, he stood there until Seek or Figure caught on to his presence.

Seek gazed up at him, his eye widened with caution. Seeing Glitch in Figure's territory set off a few alarm bells in his head. None of this was usual, he understood as it was clear enough, but what if Glitch were to report them to a superior?

"Hello..Seek." Glitch sounded low and distorted as he spoke,"What would you and Figure be doing together in the library?"

Rolling his eye out of irritation, Seek sighed,"Glitch, it's none of your concern. We're allowed to acquaint ourselves with fellow entities, aren't we?"

"I was curious, is all. Curious if I could possibly join the two of you." Glitch inquired, his expression difficult to read.

This was a proposal that stumped Seek; it were plausible for Glitch to be doing this out of sheer boredom and loneliness, but Glitch could be doing it to rat them out to Guiding Light.

"Come here then." Figure gestured to him, lifting his lanky arm and directing him close to his chest.

A bit gracelessly, Glitch came lumbering forwards, his body going right through the banister rail as he did. Figure held the entity close to his chest and Glitch was purely baffled by how accepting he was.

"What are you doing, anyway?" Glitch questioned, enjoying this already.

"I was just reading to Figure." Seek told him, and Glitch took note of the lack of formality.

Glitch chose to word his sentences carefully as to not upset Figure by accidentally taunting him, substituting so he didn't say things like,'I see'.

"Yeah, I understand that. I can tell from the book, Seek. What's it about?"

"I don't know, we haven't gotten very far yet." Seek admitted, placing his hands on the open pages,"Should we carry on?"

Figure clutched the two entities tighter to his chest as he nodded to Seek.

The aforementioned entity continued to read, this time with a third entity in their party. Glitch listened on, finding more interest in the story now that he had some friends to listen to it with.

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