Figure x Child!Reader (Platonic Fluff)

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Primal, ruthless, feral; Figure was a creature with a physical likeness to humans, yet had no regard for human life. This was how Figure had always been, and nothing would change that. It was believed to be that way for as long as time would drag its hesitant heels, never excusing any opportunity to end a life.

Being blind was never a hindrance, as it was capable of listening out for the raising heartbeat of its newest victim. Its ability to detect the slightest of motions was impeccable, incomparable to any animal that walked the earth.

At first glance, any invader would immediately assume it to be a very, very tall human. Once they had caught wind of the abnormality before them, it would be too late for any effective reaction to change the outcome or avert their inescapable death.


On a day like any other, the humanoid entity of flesh and blood remained cooped up in its library, trudging through its domain, its lengthy arms hanging limply.

Stumbling over its own two feet, Figure almost fell to the ground, victim of its own klutziness. No vibration detection or echolocation could save it from its own clumsy nature. Picking itself up from the fall, it caught itself halfway, the floor having to wait yet another day to splinter its horrid face.

As it recovered from its trip, the hefty doors gave a heavy groan as another human pushed through. Though, from the racket the doors made, they were having tussle. The thick slabs of oak screamed and begged for the human to turn back, trying to dissuade them from entering their demise. However, the human, much like the doors, wouldn't budge.

A very light thud, compared to the other victims Figure had the displeasure of meeting, indicated that the newcomer was not alike to the regular. Either way, Figure was most indeed enraptured with curiosity.

Panicked breaths escaped the human, as to be expected from someone who wasn't a paranormality like the rest of the entities. Their voice was light, and a quiet whimper escaped with each obnoxiously loud, almost frightful, breath.

Approaching the human, Figure cautiously lowered its right hand, bending its knees to eventually come into contact with the human. Much to its shock, this human was unusually small. As its fingernails gently scratched at their scalp, the feeling of their luscious locks caressed its hand. The feeling was one it was unfamiliar with, as no texture in its library could even begin to compare to the softness of the human.

This was the first time a human's heartbeat had slowed in its presence, as the tiny human was starting to calm. Each breath was one of relief, comfort, security.

An alien feeling overcame Figure; this human was holding trust for him, something it knew was a fragile thing to hold. To be trusted by a creature it was raring to consume was morally wrong, which even Figure knew, despite not having any morals.

It was trying to convince itself that this small human was its meal, meaning nothing more to it than the remains of its previous targets. Yet, this urge to fight against its ferality was growing increasingly powerful.

This human child was innocent, naïve enough to trust The Figure with their life because it had them fooled into believing it was benevolent, a figure to be trusted. And, for some reason beyond explanation or logic, Figure yearned to be that figure the child had envisioned.

With a calmness in its unhurried motions, Figure's large, clawed fingers wrapped around the child as if they were a doll. Its thumbs gently pressed to their stomach, ensuring a firm yet comfortable grip on their fragile body.

It was a revelation Figure had tried to run from and to hide away from, but nothing could possibly ever erase the fact; Figure, like any other human, composed of flesh, blood and bones. The two were not so different.

(Y/n) held no fear; if anything, they believed Figure to be a tall human with a deformed face, lacking some features that distinguish it from humans. Figure had no eyes, nor a nose, but imminently knew of their entrance the second their body clumsily clashed against the ground.

As the colossal, almost majestic, creature of bone and blood was holding them up, they were caught up in a moment of fearlessness; this being, whether human or not, was on their side in this cruel, unjust complex.

Holding their arms forwards, they beckoned it closer to them to share their warmth.

The heat from their hands caught Figures attention and, as it brought the human closer to its chest, their hands secured its back as they held it in an embrace.

This closeness was what Figure knew had been missing its entire, meaningless life. Each day was a monotonous rut, one of bloodlust and massacre.

But, one titular human had managed to yank it from its monotony and give it some meaning.

Figure knew exactly what it was going to do. An innocence so pure, a chastity so sweet, needed preserving.

That was Figure's new meaning - to protect this one child from any horrors or threats would be Figure's job, and it would be done with pride and willingness.

(Y/n), completely unaware of what was to come, remained in silence as they cuddled their new guardian. Finally, they were free from tearing through the hotel in fear of Rush's or Ambush's attacks.

As the dim lights illuminated the dark library, (Y/n) grew unbearably weary in the comfort of its parental embrace. Fighting to keep awake was an obvious losing battle, and they drifted off to a deep slumber filled with dreams of their new protector.

Taking a seat on one of the many scattered sofas the library stored, Figure gently began rocking them from side to side in a safe, cozy cuddle. Figure, not understanding human needs, didn't know what they was doing or why it was necessary, but refused to distract them from their sleep. If anything, having a human so vulnerable in its arms sent chills of ice through its veins, ones of pleasure at the change or excitement for what was to come, where this was to lead.

Regardless of what was in stock for the two, Figure was welcoming it in with open arms and hope ignited.

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