Guiding Light X Scared!Reader (Fluff)

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Every toss and turn was a possible death; the colossal twilight and the distant shuffling of footsteps was setting (Y/n)'s anxiety off. Was there no room for refuge and comfort?

Backing up into yet another dark room, their heart fell into their mouth; what was that muffled whisper?

Feeling about the space like a blind man, (Y/n) kept their breaths as silent as their lungs could squeak out.


oh no.

Two eyes illuminated an eerily human grin, their teeth gleaming bleach white; the lack of a nose and the presence of an unexplained black substance, alike to ink in thickness and colouring, was the only prominent features setting it apart from being the human face of a companion.

To set their heart racing, it screamed in their face at a volume no human could muster even with practice, the pitch holding a likeness to a young child of unspecified gender.

The repetitive and consistent thudding in their chest indicated a near panic attack; why did this building have to be possessed with entities and alive with activity and slaughter?

For just a minute, (Y/n) contemplated giving in. What was the point of traversing this entire hotel anyway? It was some stereotypical, archaic building, bustling with entity activity. Big deal.

A blue hue fell over the exit door, drawing (Y/n) in like a little moth; they felt as small and gullible as one in this towering complex.

A slight jingle hung in the air, the sound of what (Y/n) wanted to say was...goodness.

It was an idea to sneer at; something not trying to slaughter (Y/n)? Ha, what a laughable little concept that was!

Waving it off as another enemy, (Y/n) shot through the door and tried their very hardest to keep their distance with this radiating blue. Where it had come from was a question that stung their mind repeatedly, spiking their brain every several seconds.

As they opened that door and hastily walked through Guiding Light, they found themself in a rectangular room. To their dismay, the door was padlocked with a steel lock.

There was a door o their left, one which opened up into a bedroom with an open-top desk, an ignited fireplace, a bed, a wardrobe and some painting scattered about the rough rouge wallpaper.

Huge windows lined the wall the bed was up against, giving the room a source of light aside from the bulb. Each strike of lightning made their heart jump and their breathing destabilise. By this point on, their hands were trembling vigorously as they unceremoniously scooped the key up from the centre drawer.

Nothing seemed to be getting into their lung at this moment, everything becoming shallow. Black dots swirled about their vision as they fought to remain awake. Passing out would be suicide, as Rush's distant cries sounded in their head.

Saggy eyelids got the better of them as they slipped to the ground, landing with a heavy thud as their skull slammed into the wooden planks.


Was this heaven?

This impeccable, pristine room of pure white tiling?

No, it was just an infirmary. (Y/n) needed to properly wake themself up and realise that they were still inside of the hotel.

At the sight of that same blue light they'd seen earlier, their breathing grew shallow and rapid.

Forming a tangible body, Guiding Light reached out to stroke their hair,"You poor, poor child."

Patronised, the only thing (Y/n) could do was glare through an aching face at him.

"I apologise, my dear, as I have not properly interacted with an alive human in quite some time. Could I possibly raise your spirits with anything?" He asked, his accent quite posh as his words were well enunciated.

It was a wonder how something as elegant as this entity could exist in such a derelict and down building. Was he stuck in here?

"W-who...?" (Y/n) feebly questioned, sounding pathetically afraid.

"Oho, I forgot to introduce myself, traveller. The name is Guiding Light, a being of untainted chastity who roams this complex in search of beings to guide." He told them, offering a gloved hand to shake,"Now, who would you be?"

Taking note of their shakiness, Guiding Light sat on the bed side, propping one leg atop the other as he wrapped an arm around the human as rubbed their shoulder,"Breathe. Take a minute to just...breathe."

Gasping, (Y/n) tried to stabilise their shaky breathing. Guiding Light, in a kind, gentlemanly manner, ran through a breathing exercise with them.

"Breathe in and hold, human." He instructed, breathing in and holding his breath for three seconds,"And exhale."

Following his instructions, (Y/n) slowed their heart rate and breathing rate significantly, able to calmly inhale.

"I'm...(Y/n)." They blurted, having the bare minimum of confidence compared to this formal character before them.

It was amusing to them; they were afraid of everything in their path, yet the good guy is the one they have a panic attack when they encounter him.

Pulling (Y/n) close to his midsection, Guiding Light rested his chin on their head,"I will not, under any circumstance, intentionally cause you harm. I would never allow myself to become as violent towards humans as those...heathens!"

Chuckling, (Y/n) found it quite hilarious that he was so mad yet couldn't emote it, only verbalise it.

"Oh, have they attacked you? If they claim another human life, I will strike them with my chains and drag them to a private hell of their own!" Guiding Light cooed, growing aggravated at the end of his short ramble.

It seemed there was good after all, as they were in the arms of a benevolent being. Pressing their head to his chest, they groaned,"Uh, thank you."

Lowering his head, Guiding Light smiled,"Not a problem, my dear. I am to protect the innocent, and you are most certainly pure."

Smirking, (Y/n) chuckled.

'This was going to be one hell of an adventure, wasn't it?'

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