Ambush x M!Reader (Fluff)

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His shallow breaths echoed through the corridor, distressingly. Nothing but an eery silence hung in the air ever since that thing raced past, blowing all the lights out in its wake. He believed if he were to step out of the wardrobe, it would kill him the second it came into contact.

Whatever it was, it was very persistent; every seven or so doors it would come storming into the room, bringing a wretched, ear-piercing electric scream. It was horrible, and (Y/n) despised it.

An unexplainable coincidence was the wardrobes, they seemed to 'spawn' in the rooms it tore through. There was always a wardrobe if it came, always, and the lights flickered vigorously overhead.

Another door, another flicker. The colour melted off of (Y/n)'s face upon the dawning realisation it was returning, tearing into the room faster than they'd anticipated.

But it didn't.

There was no garbled-sounding electric, no screaming and no black smoke. None of the lights blew out, but (Y/n) remained vigilant; there had been times where it purposely stopped to throw him off-guard. Attempts made in vain, obviously.

The wardrobes stood tall in the rectangular room, beckoning him to enter them. Something didn't feel right, and (Y/n)'s gut feeling strengthened as a noise sounded several rooms behind. Instead of 'its' noise, it was a whirring, alike to the wind of a storm or hum of a vacuum. A flash of mint and fuchsia lit up the doorway, and (Y/n) scampered away, to be knocked harshly to the ground by the figure.

What (Y/n)'d anticipated was something less human...oid. It stood before them, its skin a pale green and its eyes as black as the stroke of midnight. Formal, it was, and well equipped with a dress shirt; sleek, black trousers; polished shoes; a waist coat and a solid green tie.

It was nightmarish, but (Y/n) felt a weird sense of comfort in its presence. Had it come to kill them? Probably.

The light green and pink light it emitted begun to fade as it came closer to him. Crab-crawling away, (Y/n) shook his head and distanced himself as best he could until he collided with a wall.

Extending a hand, it urged him to stand quickly, and to spare no time. To say its voice matched the whispery noises it created on its way to the room was a lie, as its tone was soft and calming.

Somewhat reluctantly, (Y/n) wrapped his hand around the entity's, allowing himself to be hoisted up to his feet. Laughably enough, the entity was a few inches taller than he was, and he cranked his neck slightly to look it in the eyes.

"So...why are you saving me? Don't you want to kill me?" (Y/n) asked, unconfident. His feelings were mixed, and every sensible part of him screamed to run while something unknown told him not to,"Surely you want me to die?"

Huffing slightly at the rhetorical questions, it reared its head around and faced him, giving him harshly direct eye contact as it spoke,"Rush wants you dead. I don't. I want the same thing as you, escape."

"E-Excuse me?" (Y/n) chuckled, still intimidated by the entity,"What? An entity trying to escape? I thought all you guys wanted to stay and kill people. What's there to escape for?"

Its gaze lowered, fixing on the oak flooring,"I suppose you think us entities have 'friendship groups' or companionships, or we hang out after killing people? We don't. It's nothing but hatred and I'm sick of it. I hate being constantly compared to Rush and being hated for 'stealing' kills. I just wanna do what you humans do, whatever that is."

Staring through widened eyes, (Y/n) drank in the entity's words. Hearing it rant about how much it hated its job was a very crazy concept to him; surely they'd enjoy tearing heads off or disemboweling people? Perhaps not.

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