Holding hands

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"My lord this is a large crowd," You said, looking around the giant event.

Marcy sighed. "Yeah, I knew it would be hard to get to the shops through the event but it is a very big crowd."

You thought for a moment and blushed, but said the idea out loud anyway. "Maybe we should hold hands...Just in case?"
"Y-yeah." Marcy grasped your hand firmly and smiled.

You lead her through the large crowd and kept holding her hand.

After getting out of the crowd you began to go into the shops. "So, what do you want for lunch?" You asked her.

"Hm...I'm craving chicken. Is there a KFC in here?"
"I think so..." You checked your phone quickly. "Yep it should be on the next level. And this time, lunch is on me."
"Thank you," Marcy gave you a hug.

"N-No problem," You flushed red and wrapped your arms around her.

You got the food and sat down at the table, and that's when you realized...

You were still holding her hand.

But it seemed Marcy hadn't noticed.

Just a little bit longer, You told yourself. I mean, friends do this...Right?

Just a little drabble

My inspiration is SO low

Bye besties!

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