"F*** Andrias, He's gonna get it."

579 11 47

Requested by p3rsY_

Some protective Darcy for you simps

Yes, you.

I see you, look out your window

(Also in this, Darcy looks like Marcy with two orange frog eyes)


"Heyyy N/n," Darcy said in a silly voice, looking at you lovingly.

You looked up from your broom, which you were currently using to sweep the floor, and wiped some sweat off of your forehead.

"Oh hey Dars, what's up?" You asked, leaning the broom against the wall, standing away from it and maintaining eye contact with your lover.

They sighed in disappointment.

You could already tell what they were going to say, and honestly, you really didn't want them to say it.

Please don't say it, Please don't say it, Please don't say it, Please don't-

"Why are you still a slave for Andrias?" They huffed out, leaning against the wall.

Yeah. That.

It was a long story, really.

You were caught committing treason (You kind of killed a few guards...Well, more like most of them, you did manage to spare triple B), and Andrias, being so kind, gave you three options.

The death penalty, which meant getting your head chopped off, getting locked up in a cell with no food, or become Andrias's slave.

Being in terrible shape from fighting so much, you had to reluctantly agree to being a slave until you could escape somehow.

But then, Darcy met you.

You thought they would be scarier, and possibly even go as far as killing you.

But, you were very wrong. They were actually quite sweet to you, which eventually led to you having a crush on them.

They weren't sure why they were so kind to you, but they were- and after a lot of denial, they realized they had quite strong feelings for you.

So, they confessed, and you said yes.

You hadn't really done anything yet--Apart from hugging.

"I don't really know why I still am," You replied.

"Alright that's it," Darcy did a 360 spin. "I'm putting this to an end."

"Wait, Darcy, don't," You gripped their hand protectively. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Darcy let out a chuckle. "You think Andrias could lay a finger on me?"

You shrugged. "Good point. I'm gonna listen in."

"Go ahead," Darcy smirked. "I'd love for you to hear this."

You saw them walk into the huge throne room and you hid behind a wall.


Oh, this was funny already.

"My lord," He said respectfully, and you assumed he was bowing.

"Why is Y/n still working as a slave?" They asked in an impatient tone of voice.

"With all due respect my lord, that was their punishment for committing treason. A lifetime of service."

"We did not approve of this PUNISHMENT." Darcy snapped at him. "So release it."

There was a few seconds of silence.

"...Unfortunately, my lord, I cannot do that."

"exCUSE ME?!" They said in shock. "How DARE YOU?!"

Your face dropped.

"Do you still want a place with us up here, or not?"

A few more seconds of silence.

"Alright, my lord, I will let them know."

"No need. They're listening, aren't you, N/n?"

You came out from your hiding spot. "Yes, I was."

"You," He looked between you both. "How DARE you talk to Darcy?!"

"And how dare you insult your overlords partner?" They said, before turning to you and scoffing. "Ugh, King's these days."

You chuckled, and both walked out of the throne room, hand in hand.

You eventually got back to Darcy's room, and the minute you did, you burst out laughing.


They let out a little giggle themselves, which made you blush.

They then proceeded to grab your chin and peck your lips, leaving you a frozen blushing mess.

You snapped out of your trance and looked at them with an eyebrow raised.

"Darcy, what the actual fu-"


Also, I broke my foot, :') Wish me a quick recovery pls

How are yall? I'm feeling simpy

Bi you little walking rainbows


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