Enemies to lovers pt 7

389 10 79

Tell me you're here

The tea is hotter than the sun


You were just laying down for a little nap, when you heard the familiar static from your walkie-talkie.

You picked it up off your bedside table, and pressed the button down on the side.

You heard an urgent voice.

Darcy's voice.

"They're here."

"What?' You asked for clarification. "Who's here."

You heard a sigh at the other end. "Your sister and the others."

"What?" You jumped off of your bed in alarm, trying not to drop it from your hands. "How did they know I was here."

"I don't-" There was a brief pause, as if they were searching for the right words to continue. "I don't know. Just get to the throne room as fast as you can."

"Way ahead of you," You had already run out of the door of your room and were heading in that direction.

You arrived there quickly and ran in, watching the door slam shut behind you.

"There you are!" Darcy exclaimed, just as a loud alarm sounded.

"Lockdown, lockdown..."

"What's happening?"

"We're putting the fortress into lockdown. Best way to catch them." Darcy answered to your question, looking slightly panicked.

You looked to them with wide eyes. "You're not going to hurt them, are you?"

"Well...They did break in, and that's kiiiind of illegal." They mentioned in a hesitant voice.

"They're still my friends," You stated, crossing your arms.

"But they abandoned you, didn't they?"

You sighed. They did have a point, although they hadn't seen you be taken away, so maybe...

"No. They wouldn't. When you bring them in, just get the guard to drop them off, and we can talk to them." You added, glaring at them sternly.

"Together?" Darcy asked.

"Together." You confirmed.

They kissed your cheek softly. "I love you."

You rolled your eyes and gave them a peck on the lips. "I love you too, but now's not the best time to say that."

"Right." Darcy gave out the order, and within about 5 minutes, the doors opened, there was a sound of three things hitting the ground, and the guards left.

You were excited to see them of course. You hadn't seen them in over 4 months!

But...What if they hated you?

You pushed those feelings down, as you gave Darcy's hand one more squeeze.

"Good luck," You whispered.

They stepped out into the light, and you watched, barely peeking around the corner of the chair.

They sat on the chair.

You watched the three's reactions. Normal, surprised, shock.

"Wha-? Who are you?" Glimmer asked, clearly very confused.

"We were told we were being taken to the leader. Where's Hordak?" Adora asked.

Darcy let out a chuckle, that reminded you of when you first met them. "Hordak. That idiot died in the battle of brightmoon."

"What?" Bow's eyes widened.

Wow, this whole situation gave you deja vu.

"I am Darcy, leader of the horde. And the only reason you are here before me, is because someone wishes to see you."

That's the cue.

You stepped out, sending them a small smile.

"Y/N?!" They cried in unison, looking at you with shock.

"Yep, that's my name, don't wear it out," You chuckled awkwardly.

"We came to rescue you!" Adora looked to you with sympathy. "We're sorry we left it for this long."

"We didn't even know you were alive!" Glimmer added.

You sighed and turned around, giving Darcy a sad look before turning back to them.

"Great-Wait what?" Adora looked to you with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean no?"

"I'd...rather stay here, with my partner."

Darcy came up to you and grabbed your hand.

Bow looked between you, and blinked several times. "Uh, okay, quick question, how do you manage to fall in love with the literal leader of the enemy?"

"Gee, I don't know, ask Etheria," You said sarcastically.

You then got down and untied all of their hands, before standing back up next to Darcy.

"You guys should go." You said quietly.

"What? Y/n, we're not leaving you." Adora replied.

"Yeah, Right Glimmer?"

Glimmer looked at the floor, and then back up to you, before sighing.

"I trust my sister. If this is what she wants then, so be it."

"Thanks sis," You smiled.

Before the other two could protest, she grabbed their arms, and in a flash of sparkles, they were gone.

You leaned against Darcy.

They pressed their lips to your head. "You alright?"

"Yeah," You took a deep breath. "It'll just take a while to get used to this."

Hi guys, I have a serious topic today.

So, y'know how I said its the holidays which means more updates?
Well, I lied.

I'm taking a break, it won't be too long, hopefully 2 months max.

I'm really sorry, I hate to do this to you guys, I just feel like I've been pushing myself too hard.

I love you all, I'm still free to chat, so private message me if you want a friend.

(Btw yes, I am fully aware I'm taking a break at exactly 69 chapters, deal with it-)

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