Hurt. (Marcanne X reader)

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Requested by arandombistander

Your arm ached as it was bandaged by the medic.

It hurt like hell. You'd just been fighting off some kind of blue wasp creature and then your arm got stung.

You refused to admit how much the pain hurt though. In all honesty, it felt like the sun itself had crashed into your arm, burning a thousand tiny fires into your skin and cutting through your bones.

"Is there any noticeable pain anywhere?" The doctor's nasally but stern tone kind of reminded you of Snape from the Harry Potter movies-- but that was something to think about when you lay awake in bed at night.

"Uh- No, I think it's okay." You did your best to give a smile, even though the pain was really killing you.

Suddenly, Lady Olivia slammed the door open.

"Y/n, you have visitors."

You perked up at Anne and Marcy-- You're two girlfriends-- who had just rushed into the room.

The doctor, bless his soul, seemed to pick up on the closeness between the three of you and left the room, gently closing the door behind him.

Before you could say anything to them, they sandwiched you in a hug.

"Sweetie are you okay?" Marcy placed a gentle hand to your cheek.

"We heard about the fight," Anne mentioned, placing her own hand onto yours. "Are you hurt?"

"I-I got stung..." You pointed to the sling holding your arm. "It doesn't hurt though."

The two shared glances, before turning back to you.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Marcy asked, taking her hand off your face.

"Yeah, why?" You shot her a puzzled look.

"Well..." Marcy sighed, glancing her pretty hazel eyes to meet yours. "The things you fought are.... How do I say this.... They're supposed to have the most painful sting in all of Amphibia."

You nearly fell back from shock as your eyes widened. It did make sense how much it hurt, but you decided to keep putting on your tough act.

You only managed to get one word out.


Anne brought a hand up to your head, gently rubbing it. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Your tone wavered as you spoke, and you shifted your E/c gaze to the floor, trying to ignore how your eyes were getting glassy from the pain.

Anne and Marcy shared another glance.

"They're definitely not okay." Marcy whispered.

Anne simply nodded as they both looked back to you.

"Hey." Marcy gave you a soft smile, placing her hand back on your cheek, rubbing it tenderly. "You know you can trust us, right? We're you're girlfriends. We're supposed to all trust each other."

You let your lips twitch up. "I do trust you. And you should trust me when I say that I'm fine."

"But you're not fine!" Anne exclaimed, narrowing her eyes. "Stop saying that, for frogs' sake!"

"I am fine!"

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not- ARRRGH!" You gripped your head, before looking at Anne and holding up your free hand's middle finger. "Fuck you!"

"I love you dumbass! That's why I know that you're not okay!"

"I love you too, but I'm telling you I'm fine!"

Before Anne could respond, pain surged through your body. From your arm, up through your body and into your head.

You winced. Loudly.

The pain made you collapse as Marcy rushed to catch you.

"See?" Anne gestured to you with two arms. "I told you!"

"Anne!" Marcy said through gritted teeth. "Now is not the time to say I told you so!"

"You're right," Anne sighed. "Sorry."

"No." You gasped for air as you attempted to recover from the surge of pain. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have tried to play like I was okay."

"Sweetie no, it's not your fault." Anne leaned down and brushed some of your hair out of your face.

Before you could respond, more pain shocked through you, making you wince again.

"Come on," Marcy picked you up bridal style with Anne keeping hold of one of your hands. Both of their eyes were locked on you, concerned but soft looks gracing them. "Let's get you to bed."

As she placed you down on the fluffy bed, you felt glass press at your lips.

"Drink," Anne ordered.

You didn't question it. The honey-tasting liquid glided down your throat and brought some energy back to you-- as well as calming the constant pain that pulsed through you.

"What... Was that?" You asked, glancing between the two girls that stood over you.

Marcy giggled. "Just some medicine, love."

The two girls leaned down and pressed kisses into both of your cheeks.

"Now get some sleep." Anne smiled and pressed another small kiss on your head before you felt two pairs of arms wrap around you.

"We'll be right here with you..." Marcy whispered.

As you allowed the tiredness to guide your journey into sleep, you muttered one last thing.

"I love you guys..."


What did you think? I was planning on making it longer, but this is pretty good.

How's life?

Gonna go sleep now

Buh bi

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