"All because of a dare..."

526 9 48

Requested by p3rsY_


Also yall are like 15 in this-

Enjoy my simps

Darcy's hands ran through your hair as they pinned you to the wall, pulling away from the sloppy kiss and began to kiss down your neck.

How did you end up in this mess?



"Truth or dare, Darcy?" One of the guards of the castle asked with a smirk on their face.

"Dare." They said with no hesitation.

"I dare you...to wear a maid dress."

"WHAT?!" Darcy practically shouted out. "I'm not doing that."
"C'mon Dars," You said, trying to convince them. "A dare's a dare."

They sighed, before grumbling out a "Fine."

They grabbed a maid dress out of the closet, which just happened to be there. (Who put it there? We may never know.)

They came out, dressed in the black and white dress.

A deep crimson spread it's way across your face, and you pulled your shirt over your face, trying to hide it.

Suddenly, a hand pulled the shirt down and Darcy was there, smirking like an idiot.

"W-What're you smirking at?" You stuttered, due to the closeness between your faces.

"You. Anyways," They moved back, and sat next to you.

You mentally breathed a sigh of relief. You had a massive crush on Darcy, and you were pretty sure they knew that.

"Hm," They pondered for a moment. "Truth or dare Y/n?"


You mentally smacked yourself. You spoke before you thought, and with Darcy, there was no going back.

Oh I'm fucked.

"I dare you to go into a room alone with me. With the lights off."

You shook your head. "Nope. Nu-uh. Not doing that."

"Come on," Darcy whined. "You said yourself, a dare is a dare."

You sighed. "Fine."

They grabbed your arm and began to lead you towards the door, and turned to the group of guards playing with them. "You guys keep playing. We'll be a while."

You blushed as they lead you to the room next door. Oh, they're gonna be the death of me.

You got into the room, and sighed as they flipped the light switch down.

"So," You began. "What do you want to do?"

"How about," They walked over to you and pressed their lips onto yours harshly.

Did you want this? Well, you didn't want to want it, but if you were honest, most of you did.

So, you kissed back passionately.

They pinned you to the wall, hands gripped firmly on your sides.

You jumped up, wrapping your legs around their torso and your arms around their neck.

You two didn't go further than making out that day.


"And that kids, is how I got with your parent."

Hi yall, did ya miss me?
Probably not, but oh well

How's life? Anyone annoying you? If so, what's their address? Just asking...😏

Bye besties!

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