Reunion Part 2

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Okay just want to clear this up,

This is part 2 to reunion, but I skipped ahead a little bit


ALSO TW: Making out in a bit more *Ahem* Detail *ahem*

I really flipping hope this doesn't look inappropriate-

"Are you sure Andrias is okay with me staying in your room?" You asked your girlfriend.

"I'm sure, I triple checked," She smiled, intertwining your fingers and squeezing your hand.

You blushed at the action, but your red face was interrupted by Marcy saying "We're here!"

You looked up to see a big fancy white door, gleaming in the moonlight that came through the windows.

She slowly opened the door, and you were immediately overwhelmed with the strong scent of lavender.

"Woah," You said, finally beginning to understand why Marcy talked about plants so much. "How many lavender plants do you have in here?"

"Hmm....Ten I think? I don't really know, I lost count a long time ago. But no time for that, come on!" She dragged you into her room, still holding your hand.

She let go of your hand and sat on the bed, bouncing a bit on it for the fun of it.

You smiled at the hyperactive girl. "So, straight to bed, or stay up?"
Marcy placed her hand on her chin in thought. "Hm...Gay to bed."
Your mouth dropped open. "Did you just..."
Marcy nodded.

"Okay that's it," You sat on the bed next to her and began tickling her sides.

"N/n! You know I'm ticklish!" She said between giggles, slurring her words a bit in the process.

"That's the point, love," You stopped tickling her sides and kissed her forehead, touching your noses together.

She blushed and stuttered a bit.

"Oh, is Mar-mar flustered~"
"Sh-shut up." She looked off to the side, trying to keep her eyes off you.

"Make me," You got off her and smirked.

As if instinct, Marcy shot up and looked at you.

"What will you-Mmph!" You were cut off by Marcy pressing her lips to yours passionately.

You shifted position, wrapping your arms around her neck and stroking her hair.

She moaned, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer, making sure every aspect of both your bodies were pressed together.

You separated for a brief moment, before you pulled her in again.

Okay yall, please bare with me here-

She tilted her head slightly, allowing a small gap between her lips to appear.

You took the initiative, sliding your tongue into her mouth, pressing her back against the bed in the process.

She moaned, separating for another quick breath before kissing you again.

You were both on cloud nine right now.

This time when you separated, you began kissing down her neck, leaving no inch of skin untouched.

Once you'd finally finished, you lied down next to her, and an awkward silence filled the room.

"So..." You began, trying to fill the void. "That...just happened."
"Yep." Marcy agreed, scooting closer to you.

You wrapped your arms around her body, and smiled as you felt her rest your head in the crook of your neck.

"I love you, my little ray of sunshine," You said, kissing her head.

"I love you too."

My dirty mind is actually handy for something, I never thought this day would come.

Off topic but I hit my fucking foot today and I might've tore my ligament soo-

Okay bye besties!


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