Enemies to Lovers pt 3

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Knock knock knock.

You looked up from the book you were currently reading, closed it, and then looked to the door of your room. "Come in!"

Darcy opened the door, entering the space, before shutting the door behind them. "So, you know that little project I was working on?"

An excited smile made it's way onto your face as your remembered them telling you what it was about. "Yeah, of course I do!"

"Well...It was a success." Darcy said, doing a small smile at your happiness, before they forced it down to a smaller smile.

You gasped excitedly as your eyes widened. "Really?!"

"Really." They confirmed.

You jumped off the bed, sending them a 'you're amazing' look. "Well, show me!"

Darcy grabbed your hand, and began to lead you out towards the throne room. "Come on!"

You had to force your blush down at the contact. They're still the enemy.

But they're so nice! And kind of hot too, they'd probably look even hotter if we were looking up from in-between their legs.

Okay, that thought made you blush the color of a tomato.

Shut up brain.

"We're here!" Darcy said, looking up at the big steel door in front of both of you.

It opened up, and you saw a familiar face.

One you hadn't seen for a what felt like a long time.

"Wha-? Entrapta?" You asked, rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren't hallucinating.

She turned around, pulling off her mask and sending you a grin. "Oh, hi Y/n!"

You turned your head to Darcy, still looking at purple-haired geek who had turned her back. "I honestly thought she was dead."

Darcy shrugged. "Well, according to this person right in front of us, she's very much alive."

You snorted, before looking at the big f/c stone in front of you and taking a few steps closer to it. "So, what is this supposed to do?"

Darcy walked up next to you. "So, basically, by some miracle, Entrapta here managed to make a stone that you can recharge your powers with."

"Huh," You looked it up and down in awe. "How is that even possible?"

"First ones tech," Entrapta answered, propping herself up with her hair. "All you have to do it touch the stone."

"Wow," You said, still amazed by all of this. "I thought it would honestly be a lot harder than that."

"Shush," Darcy put a finger to your lips. "You'll jinx it."

You blushed for a second, and then you pulled it off your mouth. "Okay fine."

You took one more step so that the stone was in reach.

A hesitant hand reached out, stopping a couple of inches before your fingers made contact with the stone.

You took a deep breath in, before exhaling and pressing your palm to it.

A bright light filled the room, and when it cleared...

You stood there, one fist glowing a baby pink, the other glowing a deep purple.

You giggled and smiled as you looked at the magic you were summoning.

You un-clenched your fists, deactivating the glow.

"Oh, it feels so good to have magic again!" You turned to Darcy and sent them a soft smile. "Thank you."

"You have your both mother and father's magic," Darcy noted. "I didn't think it was possible to be that powerful."

Was it just you, or were they...blushing?

No, it was probably the lighting.

At least, that's what you told yourself.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," You brought a hand up and rubbed your neck awkwardly. "I only try to embrace my dad's side though. And I also got teleporting, and somehow got the ability of telekinesis," You glared at a wrench across the room and it flew into your hand. "Although, I'm not sure where in my family it came from."

"Well, I'll get you back to your room." Darcy said, pushing a button that opened the door to the hallway. They proceeded to bow slightly and put their arms in direction toward the door. "Lead the way, Princess."

You rolled your eyes in order to hide your blush, before heading toward the door and hitting them on the arm lightly before exiting. "Don't call me that!"

They got up from their position. "Whatever you say, princess."

You scoffed playfully as you overtook them. "You're impossible."

You heard the door close, before there was two words from Darcy.

"You sure?"

You turned around and were met with them without a helmet once again.

Their intense glowing eyes were staring directly into yours, a smirk resting on their face.

You looked to the side, stuttering, trying to get a sentence out.

You eventually sighed, turning around. "You just love to push all my buttons, don't you?"

"Mmmmmaybee." Darcy slurred, tucking their helmet under their arm. "Anyway, we're back at your room." They opened their door and let you in, watching you settle on the bed, and then sent you a wink. "Night, N/n."

They didn't wait for a response, they just shut your door.

You waited until their footsteps got further away, before grabbing a pillow and screaming into it, trying to process everything that just happened.

Dammit, You thought, decided go out of denial. I'm in love with my enemy.

This is like over 800 words, dragged on for longer than I meant it to-

How's ya day?
Mine's alright, thanks

This will be a lot of parts, this is the most fun I've had writing something lol

Anyway, bye bestiesss

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