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This from yet another generator

This is when your 15 after the incident.


"What about Monopoly?" Sasha asked.

Marcy groaned. "Are you kidding? Do you remember what happened last time?"

"Dear lord, don't remind me!" You facepalmed. "The screaming was so loud it nearly burst my eardrums!"

Anne laughed. "Mostly it was Sasha."


You, Marcy, Anne and Sasha were all currently thinking of what to do at your sleep over.

"Hm..." Sasha thought again, and a smirk made it's way onto her face as an idea hit her. "What about twister?"
Anne smirked as well,  guessing what she was planning. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have it, let me just.." She walked over to the cabinet under the TV, and opened it, searching for a minute. Then, she grabbed a box out and placed it down on the floor. "Yep, I have it."

You narrowed your eyes at the pair. They knew about your big crush on Marcy, and on the one hand, this could be just the push you needed. But, on the other, rejection would be a giant possibility.

You decided to go for it. "That game gives me deja vu. Why not?"
The couple smiled at you, before Anne turned to Marcy. "What about you, Mar-Mar?"

"Sure." Marcy wasn't hesitant at all, mostly because you were playing.

You four began to set up the game.

Once you were done, Anne shouted "DIBS ON THE SPINNER!"
"Anne, I wanted to do it!" Sasha said sadly, giving her puppy eyes. "Please?"
Anne looked off to the side, blushing. "Fine, you can do it with me."

"Yay!" Sasha said happily.

"You two are so gay for each other," You noted, Marcy nodding her head along in agreement.

"Well yeah, we are a couple," Anne said, wrapping her arm around Sasha as Sasha kissed her head.
"Okay, let's get started," Marcy butted in, clearly excited for the game.

Anne spun the spinner. "Y/n, left hand red."
You moved your left hand onto a red spot, which got you a bit closer to Marcy.

Then, Anne handed the spinner to Sasha.

"Marcy, Right hand yellow!"

"Left foot green!"

"Left hand blue!"

By the end of the spinning, you ended up on top of Marcy, your noses nearly touching.

You looked up to the couple, even though it hurt your neck. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

"We stopped spinning after the first two turns, we're surprised you didn't notice." Sasha smirked. "We'll let you discuss it." She then proceeded to grab Anne arm and drag her out of the room, despite her protests of "I wanna watch the drama!"

"Why would they do it on purpose?" Marcy asked once they were out of earshot.

You sighed. Well, she might hate me after this, but here goes nothing.

"Marcy, I like you. As in, a love kind of way."
She blushed. "O-oh."

"You don't have to like me back, it's just-mmph!"

She kissed you, and your brain malfunctioned.

Eventually, you recognized what was happening, and kissed back, resting your hand on her arm.

She pulled away. "I like you too! I've been so scared to tell you."

Suddenly, Sasha came through the door, Anne behind her, and they high-fived.

"How long have you two known this?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was SO obvious," Anne said.

"What? No it wasn't!" Marcy protested, crossing her arms.

"You're very oblivious Mars," Sasha replied.

"Yes she is." You agreed.

Okay yall before you go

Should I do a reader that's from other fandoms? Like demigod, witch (Ik I've already done that but still,) Gem, princess, etc...

Check my profile for the fandoms and leave your opinion!
Ok bye besties!

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