'Taking care of a sick princess.' (Darcy x reader)

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Darcy's hand rested on the doorknob as they twisted it, opening it to see you on the bed, shivering and gripping onto the sheets.

"How bad is it, princess?" Darcy asked, placing the dark red medicine at your lips.

You grab the glass from their hands, giving them a small smile of gratitude as you eagerly downed the liquid. "W-Well my body feels like it's on fire, so that's just great."

"I didn't even know that a fever could be this bad, I'm sorry, I underestimated the power of human sickness."

"No, no, darling, it's okay." You gave another soft, weak smile as you put the glass down on the table beside the bed you currently lied in. "I-I should've been more careful around those sick newts, I-I'm the one in the wrong here."

"But I should've told you to be more careful around those newts." Darcy sighed. "This is my fault, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." You smiled, before coughing and continuing in a more hoarse voice. "You should know that."

"I know..." Darcy sighed again, sinking a bit further into the blue chair that they sat in. "It's just I've never caught sickness before, I'm immune, so I didn't understand that the sickness was contagious or that it could be this bad."

"It's not the end of the world, it's just a little bug, I'll get over it."

"N/n, your temperature was 102 Fahrenheit. I don't think that's good." Darcy reached over and gently took your hand, running one of their fingers over your knuckles.

"No, you're right, it's not. But I'll pull through, it's not a big deal. I mean, it's not life threatening... I think." The last bit of your sentence sounded a little unsure, but the rest sounded pretty certain.

"If you die, I'll kill you." Darcy said, glaring at you.

Your face turned into a more concerned look, as you stared at them back with narrowed eyes. "How would that even work-"

"Shhhh," Darcy pressed a finger to your lips. "You should get some rest."

"Hmmm..." You thought about it for a minute, before you were struck with an idea. "Only if you cuddle with me."

Darcy rolled their eyes and scoffed. "You little- Fine."

"What, don't wanna cuddle with me, darling?" You looked at them, tone a bit teasing despite your sick state.

"I didn't say that at all." They gave you a gentle smile, lifting the sheets and crawling under there with you.

Your smile grew bigger as you felt their arms wrap around your waist and pull you in closer.

You did the same but with their upper body, wrapping your arms around them and burying your head in the crook of their neck.

"Goodnight darling..." Darcy said, smiling and placing a soft kiss onto your head.

"Goodnight..." You replied, before drifting off to sleep.

Bet yall are gonna miss these, huh?

Dw you'll like the new book, I'm sure of it.

How's your day? Mine's been pretty rough, had to say goodbye to an old house, one that I grew up in, so that felt like it stabbed me like Andrias stabbed Marcy-


Love yall platonically,

Bye for the final time on this book,

Love Rainydays <3/SilverCloud1000

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