Liver Alone

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The next morning Rory watched the news with her parents before heading to school

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The next morning Rory watched the news with her parents before heading to school. Apparently, Casey Becker and Steven Orth were murdered last night.

Rory didn't really know Steven, but was somewhat friends with Casey, having the cheerleader in a few of her classes. So, it made her heart ache that someone she saw everyday at school could just get brutally murdered.

Her parents told her to be careful when she gets to school. She understood their worries. She too is a little uneasy about the whole thing. Nodding her head, she gave her goodbyes before she drove off.

When she parked her car she saw Tatum approaching Sidney and decided to she catch up to them.

"Can you guys believe this shit!?" Rory said from behind the two girls who gasped at her attempt to scare them.

"Rory, what's going on?" Sidney asked confused with all the vans, cameras, and reporters all around the front of the school yard.

"You don't know? Casey Becker and Steven Orth were killed last night." Tatum explained while the three of them walked towards the front doors of the school.

"And we're not just talking killed. We're talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped opened from end to end. Like a scene from a slasher film." Rory said between the two girls.

Rory was never good with death. Always using humor as a coping mechanism when that topic would come up.

"Casey Becker, she sits next to me in English." Sidney said shocked at the girls death.

"Not anymore. It's so sad. Her mom and dad, they found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside." Tatum continued.

"Oh my god! Do they know who did it?" Sidney asked in disbelief.

"They're fucking clueless. They're interrogating the entire school. Teachers, students, janitors." Rory said annoyed that the police had no clue or suspects yet. 

"They think it's school related?" Sidney asked, stopping at the entrance of the school.

"They don't know. I mean, Dewey was saying this is the worst crime scene they've seen in years. Even worse than—" The bell rings alerting the three girls class is about to start, interrupting Tatum before she could explain Sidney's mother's death was the last they've heard bad news in this town. "'s bad."

The three walked to their classrooms after.


"What kind of questions did they ask you Sid?" Tatum asked.

The friend group; Billy, Stu, Randy, Tatum, Sidney, and Rory were sitting on the fountain in front of the school campus, eating their lunch. Their usual hangout spot.

"They asked me if I knew Casey." Sidney answered. She was sitting between Billy's legs while Rory was between Sidney and Stu who had Tate in his arms and Randy on the left of Tate.

𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒍𝒚 ~ Stu Macher & Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now