Mama's Boy

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"Are you alone in the house?" A distorted voiced said through the phone.

"Bitch! You bitch! Where the fuck are you?" Billy shouted angrily. He knew it had to be Sidney, since it wasn't like Rory to do this. Which was true, but only because she felt too weak to speak as she hid in the closet with Sidney and her father.

"Not so fast. We're gonna play a little game. It's called 'Guess Who Just Called the Police and Reported Your Sorry Motherfucking Ass.'" Sidney yelled into the phone with her real voice.

"Find her, you dipshit. Get up." Billy demanded Stu as he pointed the gun to the back of his head. Stu was bleeding and was starting to look pale. He sat hunched over by the kitchen desk as he whined, "I can't, Billy. You cut me too deep. I think I'm dying here, think Rory's okay?"

Billy handed the phone to Stu and whispered, "Talk to her. Talk to her." Billy left the kitchen to find the girls.

Stu lazily put the phone to his ear. "Hello."

"Oh, Stu, Stu, Stu. What's your motive? Billy's got one. The police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?" Sidney spoke to Stu as if he were a misbehaving child.

"Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive."

Billy suddenly roughly grabbed the phone from Stu and shouted into the phone. "I'm gonna rip you up, you bitch, just like your fucking mother!"

"You've gotta find me first, you pansy-assed mama's boy!" Sidney snapped back.

"Fuck!" Billy threw the phone and it hit the back of Stu's head hard. Stu whined and shouted at Billy upset, "Ow. You fuckin' hit me with the phone, dick!"

Billy was shouting, cursing, and tearing the place apart looking for the girls. Stu grabbed the phone. "Did you really call the police?"

"You bet your sorry ass, I did." Sidney's words venomous.

Stu started weeping and worried over something that was so little compared to the situation they were in. "My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me. Rory must hate me."

Billy walked down the hallway quietly with the gun in his hand. The only thing being heard was the movie still playing from the living room and Stu's whimpers. The brunette boy heard clattering in the closet and slowly pushed the door open with his gun. Suddenly Ghostface popped out and stabbed him in the chest with the pointy end of an umbrella. Billy groaned in pain as the gun fell from his hand and was stabbed again in the chest. He fell to the ground, while Sidney ripped the mask off her face as she stood over him. She grabbed the gun from the ground and rid herself of the costume.

Out of nowhere Stu came from the kitchen and ran towards Sidney, tackling her to the ground. While the two were fighting in the living room, Rory weakly crawled out of the closet as she held the bleeding stab wound on her side. When she saw Billy laying there on the ground, she thought he was dead. She crawled over to Billy and laid his limp head on her lap. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked down at his lifeless body.

She didn't blame Sidney for doing what needed to be done, but it still didn't make it hurt any less. She knew she should hate him for what he did to her, her friends, and this town, but she couldn't. Looking at him, all she saw was the boy she loves. It wasn't fair how this all turned out. How she thought her biggest problem would be asking Sidney for permission to date him. Oh, how she wished that was the case.

She sniffled as she moved the hair from his forehead. "I should hate you...You took Tate from me. You took Randy....You hurt me..I still don't understand why, but I guess I never will." She whispered in a shaky voice. Her words falling on deaf ears.

When Sidney turned the corner and saw Billy lifeless on Rory's lap, she felt sad. Not because of Billy being dead, no, she felt bad for Rory. Knowing those two boys who caused all this trouble in town, were two people she depended on most.

She walked over and got down on her knees near Rory. Rory looked up and saw a sympathetic look on Sidney's face. She figured Sid killed Stu. It was obvious when she couldn't hear Stu and how Sidney was covered in blood. It felt like her heart was being carved out of her chest.

"I'm sorry.." Rory quivered out to Sidney. She felt like this was all her fault. Like everything was her fault.

Sidney frowned as she spoke softly to ease her friend. "It's not your fault, Rory. None of this is your fault."

Before Rory could reply, Randy rose up like the dead causing the girls to gasp. He instantly apologized. His gaze flicking to Rory who still had Billy on her lap while she held him tightly.

"Oh, my god, Randy, we thought you were dead." Sidney said in relief. Rory was relieved too, but couldn't find the energy to speak or even look away from Billy's face.

"I probably should be. I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin." Randy tried to joke.

The smell of smoke filled the air. Gale surprisingly stepped through the front door and caught the teenagers attention. "Come on. I set the roof on fire to catch the neighbors attention. We need to get out of the house."

Randy helped Sidney get up and the two turned to Rory who was still looking down at Billy's lifeless face. The two looked at each other and looked back down at Rory. Gale took note of this. How Rory clung onto Billy, how devastated she looked.

Sidney gently placed a hand on Rory's shoulder and spoke softly. "Rory, we need to go." The poor girl looked up at Sidney with a look that just seemed like she was broken. Randy helped her up and was careful with the stab wound on her side. "I got ya." Randy reassured her as he helped her walk out the house.

Sidney helped her dad and all of them left the house they never wanted to go to again. The ambulance, fire fighters, and police finally arrived and pulled up at the front of the Macher house. The sun barely starting to rise as each one was attended to their wounds.

Gale instantly reporting the disaster of the night. The fire fighters trying to put down the fire. Dewey getting hauled into an ambulance. Randy, Rory, and Sidney sitting in the back of an ambulance as the emt's helped the injured kids. The trio hugging each other—the only ones left of their friend group.

Rory glanced back at the burning house. Her heart ached, knowing the two people she loved were gone. That was until the Sheriff walked up to the three teenagers and asked, "You kids said there were two killers, right? Billy Loomis and Stu Macher? And a dead victim in the garage, Tatum Riley?"

Sidney was the one that answered. "Yes, Sheriff."

The Sheriff's face was scrunched up, he looked confused. He said something that made their stomachs sink. "We only found one body. Tatum Riley's. There was no one else in the house."

Their eyes shot open and mouths agape. Sidney and Randy were in disbelief and horrified that the two psychopaths just disappeared. Though the same couldn't be said for Rory. She had no clue how to feel. She just kept quiet and watched the firemen hosing down the fire, forcing herself not to pass out from the blood loss.

A part of her felt relieved her boys weren't dead, but it made her think, are they her boys? Most likely not anymore. Not after everything they did. Not after they betrayed her trust.

All she wondered is, where did they go?

Hi girlies!! I'm SO sorry it took me this long to update. I've just been busy with school and not knowing how to end this story. Ik it's not the best chapter and it's kinda sucky, but I'll be working on the sequel. Vote n comment. I like seeing your guys comments <3
Dw, our psycho boys will be back ;)

𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒍𝒚 ~ Stu Macher & Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now