Because I Punched Him In The Dick

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The entire weekend, Billy and Stu were over at Rory's house. Trying their best to distract her from the attack, which was kind of working. They would get to the house at noon and leave around eight pm. The three friends would watch movies, eat dinner with Rory's parents, and play board games; which consisted of Billy always winning, Stu whining he kept losing, and Rory just laughing at the two bicker.

Now, it's Monday morning when Derrick dropped off his daughter at school. He wanted to be the one to drop and pick her up from now on, just until the killer is caught.

The girl bid her goodbyes to her father and walked across the street to her school campus. Once, she stepped foot on the school grounds, she was surrounded by cameras being shoved in her face, reporters asking her a million questions like, How are you after the attack? Do you have any idea who the killer is? How did you survive? Why do you think the killer let you live?

The last question Rory thought of constantly since that night. She didn't know why the killer let her live. She assumed it was because the police showed up before they had the chance to carve out her insides like a Halloween pumpkin.

She was trying to get through the crowd of reporters, but they just swarmed her like a hive of bees. Suddenly, there was a tall body shielding her from the cameras.

"Back the fuck up! Give her some fucking space!"

Rory wasn't surprised when Stu was the one who turned around with a small smile on his face. He put his arm around her waist, guiding her away from the news-hungry reporters. "Come on, princess."

The girl already felt overwhelmed by the cameras, but that feeling only increased tenfold when Stu put his arm around her waist, protecting her from the crowd. She liked being in his arms, she felt safe. But she knew she couldn't think that way. He had a lovely, kind girlfriend, and besides, Stu would instantly laugh at the girl's face if he knew how she felt about him; so she thought.

Once Stu brought her to a quiet place away from the high school students and news reporters, he ran his hands up and down Rory's arms looking down at her. He softly said, "Hey, don't worry about them. They're just thirsty for any information they can get their hands on."

The brunette looked up at Stu and smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course. You know I'd do anything for you, Rora." Stu continued to soothingly rub her arms.

The two friends stared into each other's eyes. One felt overwhelmed and confused about their feelings, while the other just wanted to show how much they were obsessed with the other.

The school bell rang interrupting the two's moment. Stu happily put his arm around her shoulder and guided her towards the school building.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class!"


"And then I'd punt him like a football." Stu explained.

After Rory's math class, Stu stood outside the classroom waiting for her. While the two were walking to the fountain for lunch, they were discussing what they'd do if Chucky tried to kill them.

The girl just laughed at his explanation. When they got to the fountain the friend group was already there. Tatum ran up to the girl engulfing her in a hug, making Stu's arm around Rory's shoulder get brushed off.

"Rory! I missed you! How are you?" The blonde girl said happily, unaware of her boyfriend's deadly glare at her for pushing him out of the way.

"I just spoke to you on the phone yesterday, Tate." Rory laughed. Since the attack, Tatum would call the girl every few hours to see how she was doing and would fill her in on high school gossip to distract her occurring thoughts about the killer.

Tatum released Rory from her bone-crushing hug but kept her hands on Rory's waist. "So?! Didn't you miss me?"

Rory smiled sheepishly at her friend's genuine affection towards her. "Of course I missed you."

"Good." The blonde smiled and moved out of the way, walking towards her boyfriend sitting on the fountain. She didn't even realize the scowl on his face he was trying to hide.

Stu was enraged. He was annoyed at his 'girlfriend' for taking Rory's attention away from him. His mind went into a million thoughts when the two girls were hugging. Why is she hugging her so tightly? Why does Tate have her hands on MY girl's waist? Why is Rory smiling so much? Does she like her more than me?

Stu was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Sidney walk up and hug Rory. It was less energic than Tatum, but more softer and more caring.

"Are you okay?" Sidney softly asked after pulling apart from the hug.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I think." Rory lightly chuckled, bringing humor to her traumatizing situation like she always did.

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, remember you can always call me. Okay?" Sidney smiled.

"Thanks, Sid." Rory smiled back.

Sidney went back to sitting with her boyfriend who couldn't keep his eyes off Rory. He, just like Stu, was jealous of all the attention Rory was getting. He wanted her full attention on him, not on her other friends; Stu being the only exception.

His demeanor instantly changed when the girl he was obsessed with smiled and waved at him. "Hi, Billy." He smiled softly, saying hi back.

Randy finally got the chance to say hi to the girl, he went up to her and put his arm around her shoulder. The two standing in front of the fountain. "So, are you finally ready to give me the deets about what happened, my dear friend?"

Randy had called the girl after the attack, too nervous to show up at her house. Rory appreciated Randy. She liked how he brought humor to her negative situation. He was the only one she could talk to about what happened without seeing pity in their eyes. She was getting tired of seeing that look.

"Watch it, dingus." Billy warned the boy not to speak of the subject.

"It's okay. Talking about it isn't that bad anymore, besides I know Ray's itching for details." The girl laughed, reassuring Billy it was okay.

Rory sat down between both couples, while the horror fan stood standing facing the group.

"Ask away, Meeks." The brunette said.

Randy's face lit up like a kid in a candy store. It wasn't that he was excited about Rory's situation. In all honesty, his heart fell out of his chest when he heard about what happened. He was terrified for her safety, but he felt like they were living in a real-life slasher film. And talking about horror stuff seemed to ease his anxiety.

"Okay. Can you tell if it was a dude? Why do you think they let you live? What did they say on the phone? Where were they hiding? How did they even get inside?" Randy busted out with multiple questions.

Stu and Billy just simply glanced at each other with annoyed looks at the geek they call a friend. Rory just chuckled, absorbing the questions Randy asked her.

"Yes, I think it was a dude. I have no idea why he let me live. He was just taunting me, playing stupid horror movie trivia, my life literally depending on the outcome. He was also hiding in my hallway closet. And I'm not sure how he got inside or how long he was even there."

Randy absorbed the answers, while Sidney asked, "Wait, how do you know it was a man?"

Rory turned to Sidney and answered, "Because I punched him in the dick."

"And you're sure it was a dude?" Randy asked.

"Yes, Randy, I'm pretty sure him grumbling in pain, because I punched his balls, confirms it's a dude." She said slightly annoyed.

The group just laughed at Rory's explanation, while Stu grimaced, remembering that painful feeling.

𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒍𝒚 ~ Stu Macher & Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now